Ants! What I Have Learned Today While Watching Them Marching In A Straight Line

One of the powerful lessons you need to learn as well.

Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Magical Writers Cafe


Photo by Amit Talwar on Unsplash

Have you ever seen ants marching in a straight line behind each other? You’ve probably seen it. Have you ever attempted to stop them from following the trail by placing water or other impediments in their way? The answer is yes for me, and I don’t know about you. When I was in elementary school, something happened.

Curiosity is the driving force behind children’s behavior. When I was a kid, I was always surprised at how skillfully these ants did their job. All of this has a purpose, but what is that purpose? As a youngster, I never got an answer; maybe I haven’t even tried to get a response.

As of today, I was sitting in my home office and reading. My bookshelf was suddenly invaded by an army of ants running in a line. My mind was boggled as to what they may want from my paperbacks. However, they are making their way into my room to get to another location. It’s the same question after so many years, my inner kid begs.

What is the driving force behind all of these efforts? Why are they doing all this? How do they know where to go?

“Ants are not only efficient, they are hard-working and thrifty, qualities which have always seemed like good reasons for seeing them as virtuous role models.” — William Mortan Wheller

Where are these small animals going? I started following their journey to find out. Whom do they want to see? Why are they in such a state of distress? It led me to another room that was separated from mine by a simple aluminum barrier. All the ants are crossing this aluminum divider, and they are all heading to the opposite chamber. I followed the ants to a wheat sack.

It took them so long to get to the wheat bag to obtain their meal that they were not exhausted. Seeing ants working so hard, I wondered, why can’t humans do the same thing. If you look at it from the perspective of an ant, they have traveled a long distance. They wander from room to room to gather food and then returns home.

Continuously, they do it without any interruption. To acquire food, ants will do everything to achieve it. It takes them a long way to get there. Doing this never gets exhausted to them. They like it. Analyzed, the ants focus on the next item; they don’t deviate from their selected course for any reason at all. It is what their commander has shown them to do, and they do it. I don’t know how the initial ant sends directions to all of these ants traveling to the same destination.

From all of this, what can I draw from it? Ants are incredibly focused on their goals, while humans are not. It’s hard to focus on one subject for more than a few minutes because we’re constantly distracted by other things. There are so many things that frequently occupy our thoughts. Take the mobile phone as an example; it blinks at any given moment. Maybe you’re doing something essential when you see a flash of light, and immediately you’re diverted from your task.

If I want to reach my goals, I need to stay focused on them without distractions to succeed. Ants taught me a valuable lesson in this regard. On the other hand, ants always obey what their leader has instructed them to do — doing what was said to them. Ants have shown me the way. They are not distracted in any way by anything else. They all take the same path and remain tenacious until their objective is attained, and then they will switch directions.

Why don’t I do the same thing as these ants? Humans are also distracted by numerous things. You can’t blame anyone else for the way that life is. It has taught me what I can achieve in my life, my aims and how to attain them. Nature has done its part; now it’s my time! Ants have shown me the way to success. Now, I must focus on my goals without any distractions to achieve them.

‘Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” — Stephen King

Thank you for the beautiful insight you’ve given me today! What I have learned today is fantastic. This excellent lesson has the potential to transform my life, or, I should say, the life of anyone. Focus on my objectives and take the necessary actions to achieve them is all that is required. I should not be distracted in any way. One day, I will fulfill all my goals.

Here is the link to my article to reach goals faster and in a more structured way.

Ants have shown me the route to my ambitions. Ants have paved the way for me. I need to be very focused on my goals, much like ants. Removing distractions from my life allow me to achieve all vital tasks.

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Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Magical Writers Cafe

Founder | Numerologist | Premium Ghostwriter | Author | Elevating Brands