Do you smile a lot or just hardly smile?!

Tanisha Pawa
Magical Writers Cafe
3 min readMay 30, 2022

Laughing and smiling has smoothly taken over the daily part of our lives that we sometimes take these natural human responses for granted.

How is it related to our lives? Why should we smile? You might have questions like what benefit does it provide to us?

Now, for the next half minute, lemme take you to a place from where the smile had actually emerged and how it had come into our lives!

The earlier time:- The smile can be traced back over thirty million years of evolution to a “fear grin” stemming from monkeys and apes who often used barely clenched teeth to portray to predators that they were harmless.

Many animals used this as a warning to predators. And humans over time turned this into a form of greeting. Crazy know!?

While there is a lot of context left to be discovered as to the exact origins of smiling and laughter, the smile has smartly come over as a form of greeting in our day to day lives.

And lately it has become more popular. It comes while cracking jokes, giggling, meeting a long lost friend after a decade, having a nice little sweet on your table, and many more. Do tell me in the comments below, what all things make you smile?

For me its my pet, who makes me smile a lot. Anddd nothing other than sneak peeking on my own photos. Haha, self-love! I love myself ya:)

But why do we smile!? Is it showing off natural beauty hidden inside us or is it the love of things?!

Science discovers that when our brain feels happy, we smile; when we smile, our brain feels happier.

It’s the interconnection of the brain and happiness.

Always remember when you smile, your brain feels a lot more happy, lighted and detached from the continuous loop of stress that covers it.

It’s like it has got lungs to breathe and wings to fly.

A sundae of refreshing sweetness!

Imagine you are outside of your balcony on a Sunday morning in the cool breeze that moves swiftly towards you, you can feel the invigorating energy of the time and there appears a beaming smile across your face.

When we are in a pleasant situation, like these, the machines in our brain start to produce happy growth hormones inside our body ; called endorphins.

The chemicals produced are transferred through the neuronal signals to your facial muscles to trigger a smile. These tiny molecules further help our body to fight off stress, and other evil-show happening inside the house.

The happy hormone travels through our body and gives us a good cheery feeling.

When our smiling muscles contract, they fire a signal back to the brain, stimulating our reward system, and further increasing our level of happy hormones, or endorphins.

So yan can simply alter your brain emotional processing pathway by moving up your facial muscles, aka smiling.

But do you havin’ trouble smiling, it doesn’t come easy to you!? Or Are you faking a smile?!

No hard lifts, just surround yourself with people who always have a cute smile on their face, and you’ll end up having one on your face too.

Smiles are contagious, they travel from people to people.

Remember someone in your circle whose smile picked you up from stressing over.

And boom, that can be the power of a smile 💥

It can make a sad person happier and more cheerful.

The smile tells how confident you are inside, a smart genial smile reflects out the hidden spark inside you. While a dull look on the face is just a result of fear and tension.

Therefore it is often said, carry a cheerful smile wherever you go.

I’ll continue to spread pieces of joy along the way:)

Are you coming with me!?

A smile increases face value.

Let’s boost the world through our smiles:)

A Smile is priceless, spread it over:)



Tanisha Pawa
Magical Writers Cafe

Personal and professional development expert💫 Sharing tips on how to supercharge your career in the advancement of AI