“Go Touch Some Grass,” They Said

Going through life feeling like I’m watching it through a screen, rather than actually being here, is frustrating. Memories are hazy, and conversations feel like they’re being done out of obligation. Personally, I first wondered if it was because of my glasses — after all, they literally make life feel like I’m watching through a lens. Turns out, I’ve just been living in the wrong place: the Internet, rather than the real world. Here’s what I’ve been doing to feel more present, in case that might work on you, too.

Quarters™ Publishing
Magical Writers Cafe


1. Reading physical books

Reading on Medium and other online publications is good. But reading online means more distractions, and if the article doesn’t start off well, it’s so easy to jump to the next one. We then end up reading for the instant serotonin boost and distraction, rather than for the purpose of learning new information or discovering stories.

For the first time in a while, I recently picked up a physical book — a small short fiction compilation by Neil…



Quarters™ Publishing
Magical Writers Cafe

An early experiment in writing. Stories that take 15 minutes or less to read.