Tanisha Pawa
Magical Writers Cafe
2 min readNov 5, 2021
Photo by Dorian Mongel on Unsplash

This world is a full packed jar of your dreams and everything you can ever imagine. Like a market where you can purchase anything at any time according to your wishes and needs, this world is full of everything you desires. Let us understand this through an analogy, and here goes the first question! No, no don’t panic, I will not be asking you more questions! Just one! Let’s go…

What do you do when you go to any market, you purchase goods according to your budget, and your own needs. Right! Now, our dreams are pretty much like these goods placed in a world full of the market, in a way world full of opportunities, wherever you go you find a market, likewise, there are always a plethora of opportunities waiting for you at the door where you can achieve it all/ in the sense purchase it all as you do in a market. I hope you got the point. Let us go further!

Here comes something which I call as the budget formula, read it further to find it what it is? The budget formula tells us how we are going to achieve our dream. Our budget is nothing but two keywords that I am gonna tell you after a short while, for now understand this, it is the amount of how courageously we put in to achieve our dream. More our courage is to do hard work, more will be the result, and more the result is, more the goods we will be able to buy. What are these goods? Our dreams placed in a world full of opportunities. Right!

I hope we have understood till now! Now the point is how should we define our budget in this world full of opportunities. Don’t say your budget doesn’t fit the amount of hard work to achieve that goal, always say it this way: my budget fits best in killing that off, which means, my courage and hard work fit perfect in achieving that goal or killing that opportunity! Yeah, I was talking of those two words only, our budget is nothing but (hard work and courage) to buy any good in the sense to achieve any dream! Try practising it this way in your daily routine and you will see yourself killing the worst challenges of your life and achieving the highest goals ever. Because your budget (hard work and courage) always fits perfect to any opportunity knocking at your door.


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Tanisha Pawa
Magical Writers Cafe

Personal and professional development expert💫 Sharing tips on how to supercharge your career in the advancement of AI