Are You Suffering From These Digital Sins

We are losing our long-term memories.

Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Magical Writers Cafe
3 min readJan 13, 2024


Do you know how digital life is disturbing our brains? I am reading the book “Limitless” by Jim Kwik. In the book, he gave four types of digital problems that affect our memory if we use more digital in our lives.

Let’s take a closer look at these digital issues.

Digital Deluge

The first thing that Jim told me was the Digital Deluge. Today, we are getting more information than ever. Think how much information we are getting from the internet and media.

Compared to earlier, we have to process large amounts of data. We don’t have any downtime due to this. We feel exhausted sooner than ever. We are bored from work. All this is due to the information that our brain is processing.

Digital Distraction

We look frequently at devices that we carry in our hands. Numerous notifications come from these devices, resulting in less focus. I had seen many people lift their phones unnecessarily to look for anything they got in there.

We had lost focus due to this. We don’t focus on important things due to the distractions created by digital devices. We have to limit them. At least try to restrict the notifications to a minimum if you don’t want them to switch off.

Keep only necessary notifications on. It is your job to see which are essential and which are not.

Digital Dementia

Dementia is something we forget frequently. We are not able to recall it. We used to remember many phone numbers, but now we can access them through mobiles.

As a result, we are losing our long-term memories. Since we do not make our brain remember small things, our brain does not get a chance to make muscles. It will make us more dumb than ever. We have to use our brains often rather than depend upon digital things to remember things.

Digital Deduction

We are losing our capacity to reason and think. We are losing cognitive abilities by relying on digital media for information and calculations. We can get whatever we want from the click of a button.

In some colleges, laptops are given to students to research the subject. But it makes them dump as they aren’t focusing on the lecture. They depend on the knowledge from the laptops as compared to teachers. It results in less brain activity.

It doesn’t necessarily imply that we should eliminate digital devices from our lives. No, they are here to help. But we should not be dependent on them. We should remember small things like what we should buy from the market rather than making a list on digital devices.

Make a habit of detoxing yourself from digital at least a day in a week. Try to do things without the help of the devices, like remembering the list to bring from the market and doing calculations.

Remember, technology is here to help us and not to make us dumb. So. use it wisely.



Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Magical Writers Cafe

Digital Writer & Storyteller | Bringing Visions to Life Through Premium Ghostwriting​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​