5 Ways in Which Digital Learning Can Prepare the Workforce of the Future

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3 min readMar 19, 2020

One thing that leaders in the field of education and educational publishing agree upon is that technology is here to stay, disrupting the way we live and work. Rapid advances in technology have completely changed several job profiles, while creating new ones. In fact, research published by the World Economic Forum states that 65% of the students entering primary education today are likely to find employment in occupations that don’t exist at present.

The report goes on to say that 90% organizations are currently facing an IT skills shortage, while 75% students and educators believe that there is a skills gap in them being able to meet the IT skills demand. To prepare students to fit into the workforce in the future, K-12 education needs to implement certain changes today. More importantly, to prepare students for a digital economy, K-12 education needs to adopt digital learning.

“The “digital revolution” we have witnessed in most sectors hasn’t been fully embraced in education yet — but it inevitably will. The tools and technologies available today will empower education, allowing for on-demand learning. The most significant benefits of this revolution will come in the form of a personalised education that is delivered in a bespoke manner,” says Tom Dolfi, Head of Marketing at Pathfinder.

How Digital Learning Can Help

Thoughtful technology integration in the classroom can help students actively engage with concepts and ideas, enhancing the learning experience. This fact has been reaffirmed by a landmark K-12 survey of almost 17,000 teachers and administrators, The State of Digital Learning, published in February 2020. The survey data shows that both teachers and administrators believe that digital learning has a positive impact, not just on students, but also the teachers.

In other words, digital learning enhances student growth and academic achievement, while also positively impacting faculty effectiveness and growth. It helps save time for teachers, while allowing them to track student progress and provide individualized support. Here’s a look at the key ways in which digital learning, delivered through a robust learning experience platform, can help prepare students with the career skills of the future.

1. Personalized Education

Deeper understanding is key to being able to apply classroom learning in the real world. To make this happen, it is important to tailor education to the needs of each student, perhaps the most significant advantage of digital learning. With learning material being available on multiple devices, including smartphones, tablets and computers, students have the flexibility to access course materials anytime and from anywhere. They can learn in their preferred style and time. In fact, with the integration of an offline eReader, students don’t even need to wait for internet connectivity to access learning. In addition, they can choose to watch videos of the subject, if text alone doesn’t help understand a concept. They can use audio clips and multimedia elements to grasp each topic, leading to deeper learning.

2. Collaborative Learning & Teamwork

Collaborative learning is the preferred learning style of students of today. They like to share information and experiences with their peers online. With a digital learning platform that integrates various options for collaboration, students can connect with others through message boards, discussion groups and other online forums. Teachers can join in the discussion too, helping students grasp difficult concepts in a collaborative manner. In addition, group assignments can be provided, where students work as a team to complete a project. This helps each student discover their strengths and passion. When technology teaches students to collaborate, it inculcates the crucial skill of teamwork, which will prove beneficial in professional life.

Read more here- https://www.getmagicbox.com/blog/5-ways-digital-learning-prepare-workforce-of-future/




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