8 Reasons Why Publishers Should Choose Digital Publishing

Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2021

The medium of book consumption was slowly shifting from physical books to digital devices before the pandemic. The school closures and lockdowns sped up this transition, so much so that the market size of the global book publishing industry witnessed an annual decline of 1.1%, on average, between 2016 and 2021. On the other hand, it is estimated that the global digital publishing market will grow from $51.06 billion in 2020 to $56.09 billion in 2021 at a CAGR of 9.9%.

Publishers need to address this shift as quickly as possible to stay ahead of the curve. Moreover, if you analyze the two publishing methods, you will find that working with a digital publishing platform offers more benefits than working with traditional print publishing.

Why Shift to Digital Publishing?

If you are in the publishing industry, you would know that you cannot keep your business alive by continuing only with print publishing. Digital publishing is becoming increasingly popular across generations of readers and there are several reasons behind this.

1. Cost-Effectiveness

Buying a printed book requires you to pay for the cost of transportation, printing, publishing, distribution, cover creation, and other sundry charges as well. However, when you choose an eBook, it eliminates a lot of these costs. You have to pay only for the author’s hard work and some profit that they deserve.

2. Time Efficiency

A typical design process for a textbook may take up to 17 months. Your work usually has to go through layers of production — agent, editors, and publishers — when you are publishing a book. With a digital publishing platform, you can get your work to the readers without wasting any time. You even get to constantly update or edit your content to better please your readers.

3. Access to Distribution Analytics and User Behavior

With digital publishing, you can track your distribution patterns in real-time and access analytics on your eBook’s performance. It allows you to plan your eBook sales strategies and revise them, if needed.

4. Wider Reach

Online content knows no boundaries and you can conveniently reach a global audience if you opt for digital publishing. It allows publishing companies and educational content owners to reach out to users across borders and potentially increase their earnings.

5. Better Income Source

It is extremely simple to share eBooks. So, your readers can easily recommend your work to their peers that will fetch you more income without incurring marketing costs.

6. Stay Eco-friendly

It is estimated that approximately 30 million trees are used to make books that are sold in the United States each year. By going digital, you can actually help the environment by saving paper. If you choose to publish digital textbooks, you can save around 9 thousand pages of wasted material that an average classroom accounts for.

7. Save on Storage Space

You can carry thousands of books on a digital device wherever you go, without taking up half the space required for a single physical book. It is quite easy to store and manage eBooks. Consider the savings on storage space, which means cost savings and the space can be used for other business activities.

8. COVID-19 Emergency

This pandemic has accelerated the need for analog-to-digital transformation. With September 2020 eBook sales up 22% year over year and 16% year-to-date, publishers are recognizing the benefits of digital learning offerings and the importance of investing in EdTech innovations.

Things to Consider Before Shifting to Digital

You may already be intrigued by the various benefits of digital publishing. However, if you want to publish an eBook for K-12 students, you should know that merely transferring the content from paper to digital format will not produce the best results. You need to consider certain factors that should be included in eBooks to make them more engaging and relevant for the students. Here is a checklist that can help you create such an eBook:

1. Select the Right Layout

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