Digital Publishing: A Solution for 21st Century Education System

Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2019


Like a spinning top, the U.S. educational system has struggled to maintain its balance in a complex world — pulled in different directions by those who would keep its traditional 20th-century values and those who try to pull it into the 21st. This balancing act has threatened to make the entire system obsolete. However, we have now reached a tipping point where the weight of government, schools, parents, and students is dragging the system into the future.

This demand poses great challenges for schools and great opportunities for digital educational publishers. One of the biggest issues with the current learning management systems is their complexity and user experience. Learning Experience platforms like MagicBox focuses on ease of use and provides solutions for both schools and publishers with its cost- and time-efficient end-to-end digital publishing and distribution platform.

Government and Digital Publishing

National and state government initiatives require the support of digital education publishers to ensure the demand for digital educational resources is swiftly met. The US Department of Education published “Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education” in 2017, leading with its proclamation that our school system must provide “transformational learning experiences enabled by technology.” This need is evidenced by online education courses that are available in 48 states and the District of Columbia. One such example is an K-12 virtual charter schools, which served 275K students in a school year. Statistics from the last year indicate that over 460K students took supplemental online classes, a significant increase from the previous school year.

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About the author:

Margy Hillman, President of Hillman Consulting is an active member of the educational community, teaching university courses in Strategic Communications and Information Literacy; designing content-forward online games; researching the needs of 21st century literacy; and — just to make sure she’s keeping it real offering K-8 summer “Change of State” workshops, featuring experiments with slime!




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