How Microlearning Makes Remote Learning More Effective

Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2021
microlearning makes remote learning effective

Given the declining attention spans across the board, bite-sized chunks of learning is possibly the best way to ensure that focus is sustained through the entire piece of information. It isn’t just Gen Z that has an attention span that is lower than that of a goldfish, even Gen X and Millennials have become impatient, wanting everything instantaneously. In fact, data released by Statistic Brain revealed that in 2020, the average attention span of the human population was just 12 seconds.

Microlearning is a more engaging, less time-consuming, and cheaper-to-produce method of eLearning that helps learners achieve their goals more easily. It is a skills-based approach that delivers learning in highly-focused but small chunks. This gives the learner quick answers to their questions regarding a concept.

Microlearning Hits the Mark Every Time

Faster Delivery

Microlearning allows you to build an entire course with dozens of units very quickly. With fewer things to write and only the necessary bits of information included, it also means shorter course delivery times. This way you can quickly design courses and adapt them to changing academic or business goals. And if you have the support of a powerful course authoring tool, with built-in themes and templates, you could even cut content creation time by 40%, plus save on resources.

More Engaging

Easily digestible chunks of information has proven to be exceptionally engaging, similar to checking your favorite social media app on your smartphone. With immersive content for Gen Z, these shorter lessons were preferred by nearly 58% of employees in a recent survey. In addition, a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology revealed that microlearning proved to be 17% more efficient in knowledge transfer, as compared to traditional classroom instruction.

Boosts Knowledge Retention

The average duration of a microlearning module is 5–15 minutes, making it easy to sustain attention and quickly revisit the information, whenever required. This repeated study significantly improves the retention of knowledge. Research also shows that when information is delivered via short, highly-focused chunks, it is easier to comprehend and recall at a later point.


When microlearning is delivered over a powerful digital learning platform, learners gain the flexibility to move at their own pace, either forward or go back to revise concepts before moving on. They can even casually read through the information chunks in their spare time, since microlearning is ideal for studying in short stints.


This method also proves to be cost-effective, as it requires fewer resources and fewer instructors. The short-form content can be tailored, expanded and implemented to suit your needs and budget. It allows you to reduce development costs by 50% and increase the speed of development by 300%.

4 Key Components of Effective Microlearning

When it comes to creating bite-sized courses, content generation and instructional design play an important role. Here are 4 elements that lay the foundation of an effective and successful microlearning course:

1. Engagement — Make It Interactive

When designing a course, make sure to incorporate age-appropriate learning solutions, including quizzes, simulations and gaming elements to develop an interactive learning environment. If you blend both the elements of curiosity and activity, you can create something truly engaging…

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