Remote Learning Technologies That Will Rule in the Back-to-School Season 2021

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2 min readMay 20, 2021
remote learning technologies that will rule BTS season 2021

Although the digital shift in education was hasty, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, some of those changes are here to stay and determine the future of education. Educational technology allowed K-12 and higher education to continue uninterrupted, despite stay-at-home orders and widespread lockdowns. The enthusiastic adoption of EdTech tools and the adaptability of educators to use technology for continued education is commendable. What this experience did was help the education system and the world at large to recognize the power of technology to improve the learning experience.

Schools remained closed through most of 2020. Attempts at reopening them in some regions with lower COVID cases didn’t work out for too long. This was natural, given that teachers, parents and students were still very apprehensive about the pandemic. Now that it’s time for the 2021 back-to-school season, will things be very different? For one, President Biden released guidelines for school reopening in February 2021. In addition, he has earmarked a part of the stimulus package for schools. Unfortunately, the fear of virus spread still looms large.

Education is still likely to be largely online. In fact, we expect to see many of the EdTech tools being used currently becoming an integral part of education delivery in the future. Here’s a look at some of the top remote learning technologies that will define the 2021 back-to-school experience and beyond in the rest of 2021 school year.

Big Data and Analytics for Improved Instruction

Big data has been changing the landscape of almost every sector of the economy, so why not education? Big data analytics can make a huge difference in improving instruction, making it more personalized to address the needs of individual students. On the other hand, analytics can help policymakers fine-tune the curriculum to better academic outcomes, while publishers can make informed decisions on the types of content formats that work best for specific subjects.

Such analytics can provide insights into students’ learning behavior, their interactions with the content, and much more, which can help the education sector with:

  • Descriptive analytics: Focused on understanding how students are using the learning materials at present, such as the level of student engagement.
  • Predictive analytics: Data can be used to forecast how specific students could perform in the future, what content types would work best, and much more.
  • Prescriptive analytics: Educators can provide the right support at the right time to enhance learning outcomes and create personalized learning paths.

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