7 Reasons Why Dedicated Recruiters are Better than Job Sites

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5 min readMar 25, 2021
7 Reasons Why Dedicated Recruiters are Better than Job Sites | MagicHire.co

Some sectors grapple with a high demand for skilled talent coupled with a low supply of qualified candidates. Information technology is one such industry, with an employment rate in the US that’s expected to expand by 11% from 2019 to 2029. More than ever, hiring companies need to be creative with their approach to recruitment. Some rely on job boards while others tap the help of a dedicated recruitment agency. Find out why the latter is your best option.

Individual approach to finding developers

Experienced recruiters take a different approach to every vacancy. They study the targeted market segments and tailor their approach accordingly. Focused on the task, they use all available resources, including job boards, network connections, and social media.

A hiring consultant will dig deep into your job requirements. If you’re unsure of what you’re looking for, the consultant will guide you as you come up with a clear description of your ideal new hire.

The services of professional recruiters are especially crucial when searching for qualified candidates to fill senior roles. Candidates for top management positions are rarely out looking for a new job. The recruitment team will have to seek them out and convince them to consider the new job.

Verified references and background checks

Verified references and background checks | MagicHire.co

Hiring the wrong person can result in turnover costs, interrupted productivity, low employee engagement, and bad customer service. You can prevent this by hiring recruiting professionals who know how to properly vet candidates.

It’s best to choose a recruitment agency that specializes in your industry, especially if you’re trying to fill highly technical roles. Experienced, dedicated recruiters know how to identify the right person to match the job qualifications and your company culture. They also take the time to run a background check and acquire employment references from former colleagues and management.

Saved time with a streamlined hiring process

A dedicated recruitment agency delivers only the top candidates for you to consider. You won’t have to spend hours browsing through tons of profiles and applications. Plus, dedicated recruiters have a streamlined process that significantly shortens the time it takes to fill job positions. You can count on them to handle all the nitty-gritty of recruitment, from sourcing and screening to scheduling interviews and finalizing the job offer.

An efficient recruitment process can have a significant impact on your business performance. It can help build up your confidence to adopt a proactive and agile approach and grab short-term opportunities. Furthermore, faster and more effective recruitment results in lower expenses. Not only will you reduce cost-per-hire, but your new hires will also start working and delivering results sooner.

Finding candidates that don’t apply themselves

Linkedin VS Xing | MagicHire.co

While your in-house HR juggles many different roles and responsibilities, a dedicated recruitment agency can focus on finding the best match for your vacancy. The recruiters can devote their time to uncovering candidates, making the most out of recruiting methods and tools and searching in unlikely places. They can also use platforms like Linkedin and Xing to reach out to candidates and build relationships.

Thanks to their extensive experience, dedicated recruiters have a wider network and greater reach than HR departments. They can help you fill even hard-to-find job roles. And you know that the best candidates don’t usually apply; they’re found.

Keeping good candidates in mind

Recruiters often come in contact with viable candidates searching for a job that may not be available just yet. They keep a record of the candidates’ CVs in their CRM system. Hence, working with a recruitment agency means you get access to a readily available talent pool.

And because these agencies recruit for a living, they’ve harnessed expertise in screening candidates, running background checks, and reading body language. You can count on them to connect you with highly qualified candidates.

Tapping into a recruitment network

With years of experience working in their industry, dedicated recruitment agencies amass an enormous database of candidates. This means they can hire faster and better.

Working with dedicated recruiters allows you to gain instant access to an extensive talent pool. This is especially valuable if you’re operating in an industry that has a shortage of talents.

Case in point, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasted the availability of 1.4 million computer-science-related positions in 2020 and only 400,000 computer science graduates to apply for the jobs. A dedicated tech recruitment agency can help companies overcome the limitations of their localities by finding the best remote software developers from all around the world.

Tapping into a recruitment network | MagicHire.co

No waiting and hiring first

Experienced recruiters know that you can’t just wait for applicants to approach you, especially if you’re looking for top talent. You need to draw qualified candidates. This requires taking proactive efforts to start conversations and build connections.

Beyond just forging relationships, recruiters must also cultivate an attractive brand for the hiring company. After all, an organization with a negative reputation has little chance of attracting ideal candidates.

Experienced recruiters market your business to potential candidates by highlighting a brand that differentiates you from the competition. They go out of their way to gain a full understanding of and deep insight into your company’s values, mission, and objectives. They equip themselves with the knowledge to sell your company and the job position to uninterested candidates.

The bottom line

Forging human connections, streamlining the hiring process, digging deep into the qualifications and background of the candidates — dedicated recruiters offer advantages that are simply not possible with a job site. All the same, you can’t just neglect the benefits these tech platforms provide. Equipped with a powerful algorithm, job boards can analyze resume content and match them with keywords or your search intent.

Put simply, job sites can help empower recruitment methods but can never be used as a standalone tool. A dedicated recruitment agency is still your best bet when it comes to achieving cost efficiency and high-quality hires.

You can even work with recruitment agencies that offer a guarantee. MagicHire, for one, provides a two-month warranty that ensures they will replace failed hires at no additional fees.

You’re welcome to use our services — a dedicated tech recruitment agency that finds the best remote software developers for your company from all around the world. We can help you find perfect mid-and senior-level candidates thanks to our great network, experience, and large talent pool. So don’t hesitate to contact us today!

