Announcing Magic Next.js Conf Hackathon Winners

Sean Li
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2020

Next.js Conf still feels like yesterday! It was an honor to have been a sponsor and speaker. This is the first time Magic made a presence in the Next.js and Jamstack community, and our team is absolutely blown away by the amazing energy from the community and ecosystem. The Magic authentication SDK has been extremely well received and over 80 applicants have applied to our open job positions! 🔥 To celebrate, we announced a mini-virtual hackathon over a week ago, selecting 3 top projects, and giving a prize of $500 in cash or Magic credits each! 🤩

The hackathon officially ended on November 3rd, 5pm PDT. Now to announce our winners… 🥁

Magic Auth Race is a website that keeps track and ranks how fast can users login with Magic’s email links! 🏆

Technology Used: Next.js, FaunaDB, Vercel, Magic

Creator: @shawn_inder

Demo URL:

CV Generator is a website that allows users to generate a CV and have it permanently hosted. 💼

Technology Used: Next.js, FaunaDB, Vercel, Tailwind CSS, Magic

Creator: @samrobbins85

Demo URL:

Github: is a way to get in touch with experts and get top advice, with the goal to help the suffering Italian market due to coronavirus. 🇮🇹

Technology Used: Next.js, Vercel, Stripe, TypeScript, Magic

Creator: @NikVogrinec

Demo URL:


Congratulations to all of our winners, and thank you all for your hard work and for choosing to use Magic SDK in your projects! We’ll be in touch via Twitter regarding payment details! 🔥

Magic is an SDK that lets developers add passwordless login, such as magic links, social login, and WebAuthn, to their app with just a few lines of code.

Learn more about Magic & keep in touch 💜

Website | Documentation | Github | Twitter | Career



Sean Li
Editor for

ceo @magic_labs @fortmatic | ex-@docker @kitematic | @uwaterloo alumni