The MagicLand Chronicles

The Cesspool Mermaid

She was living in a small shallow pond full of toxic waste. New Fiction from Charles Bastille

Charles Bastille
MagicLand — The Novel
12 min readNov 14, 2021


She looked at me with a battered, peeling face that expressed such forlornness that the treachery of sadness was crushing my heart.

Original image by Chris Cornish via Shutterstock. Titling by the author

“I’m not from here,” she said. “I’m just some psycho’s invention.”

She was a mermaid. And when she looked up as she said this, I knew where the psycho lived. What had given birth to her.

Genetically engineered, no doubt. Did she have a soul? Her eyes told me yes.

Whoever created her had to have done it at least a hundred years ago. That was how long it had been since anybody had claimed to have had any contact with the people in the cylindrical moon.

The people who lived there had been silent for at least that long. They had treated Earth as a living experiment, dropping their little DNA projects onto the surface of the planet like little genetic bombs.

And then, suddenly, nothing. It’s not like they had been sending emissaries down or anything. They wanted nothing to do with either magicians or The Gath on this planet. To them, Earth was just a lab. Contact was generally an accident. The diminishment of…



Charles Bastille
MagicLand — The Novel

Author of MagicLand & Psalm of Vampires. Follow me on BlueSky: All stories © 2020-24 by Charles Bastille