The Return of PeeWee Secaucus

A lawyer discovers the gift of magic

Charles Bastille
MagicLand — The Novel
15 min readJul 31, 2022


“I don’t have time for a case like this.” I was running down the hall. Papers were trying to escape my closed, tan briefcase.

Micah followed me into the courtroom. Sometimes, interns are like dogs. The little yapper kinds, not the cool big ones. “Go away,” I said to her as I popped open my briefcase, trying to bring order to my paper mess as my one good eye glanced at her thin olive face. Micah looks like a young movie star.

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The long eyelashes of her green eyes flitted up and down. “He’s been incarcerated for two years,” she badgered.

I stopped rifling through my papers to look at her. “I don’t care.”

I was in court for the first case I hadn’t pled out in two years. I didn’t need the distraction of some crazy homeless guy who would cost me more money than I could ever make from him.

“Franklin, your term of service with the superior court is about up. If you don’t take on a CA case soon they’re going to hold you in contempt or something.”

“So a fine for not servicing the needs of the smelliest and most destitute of Savannah. How will I sleep tonight, Micah?” I rested my hand under my stubbly chin and…



Charles Bastille
MagicLand — The Novel

Author of MagicLand & Psalm of Vampires. Follow me on BlueSky: All stories © 2020-24 by Charles Bastille