Apps That You Need on your Digital Publication

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

It can be challenging to find the perfect digital publishing solution because there are many options available, and it can be difficult to find one that fits your needs and works well with your existing systems.

While a solution may meet your requirements for publishing digitally, it may not integrate well with other applications you use for marketing. In order to effectively meet all of your needs, it may be necessary to use multiple applications, and integration becomes important in ensuring that these apps can communicate with each other.

With the Universal App, we understand that our solution may not always be the only one publishers use, so we have made it easy for you to integrate other systems with our platform.

So, what apps we’d recommend you integrate with your Universal App?

Google Analytics for Tracking

Integrating Google Analytics to Universal App

We recommend setting up Google Analytics with your Universal App at the very least. As our CEO, Nick Martin, explained in his guide on Google Analytics 3, this tool has been the gold standard for tracking user behaviour for many years and is widely used by website owners.

Google Analytics is a comprehensive and feature-rich platform with custom reports and dashboards. By integrating it with your Universal App, you can take advantage of its powerful reporting capabilities and gain insight into the growth of your publication and its audience, as well as the content that resonates most with your readers based on their activities.

What can you do with Google Analytics?

Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into your digital publication, such as:

  • The geographical location of your readers,
  • Sources of traffic to your site, and the
  • Amount of time spent reading that can determine the success or failure rate of a new article

This data can be useful for evaluating the performance of your publication, adjusting your content strategy to better suit your audience, and even pitching to potential advertisers.

Suppose advertising is a significant source of revenue for your publication. In that case, you can use analytics to inform different pricing strategies based on the performance of specific content with specific target audiences.

Overall, integrating Google Analytics with Universal App can be a useful tool for gaining insight into the success of your publication and making informed decisions about its content and strategy.

Stripe for Payments

Integrating Stripe for payment with Universal App can be a valuable addition, especially if you plan to generate revenue through subscriptions or single-issue purchases.

We have selected Stripe as our payment gateway because it offers full support for both single-issue purchases and recurring subscriptions, has low fees, and is user-friendly for our publishers.

Connecting Stripe to Universal App is essential for enabling the sale of single issues and subscriptions with customisable options such as the purchase amount, subscription period, and even a free trial option for subscriptions. This allows you to have complete control over your sales process.

Firebase for Push Notifications

Push notifications can be an effective marketing tool when used with the right audience and strategy. They are similar to lite versions of marketing emails and can be effective because they are quick and require only a small amount of attention from the audience. As the click rate for emails continues to decline, push notifications are becoming more popular, especially with younger audiences.

Universal App now offers the ability to use push notifications through our new integration with Firebase, a Google service that helps you run an app and enables you to send push notifications to your audience using its Cloud Messaging feature. Learn more about how to use Firebase with Universal App here.

Facebook Pixel for Ads Retargeting

The Facebook Pixel (now known as Meta Pixel) is a tool that allows you to track and optimize the effectiveness of your Facebook ads, build targeted audiences for your ads, and show ads to people who have previously visited your website. It is particularly useful for tracking and targeting ads for your Universal App.

For example, if someone named John sees an ad for your Publication on their Facebook news feed and clicks on it, the Facebook Pixel will recognize that John has shown interest in your App and will continue to display ads for your App to John on Facebook and other websites that display ads from Facebook.

You can learn more about Meta Pixel here.

Can MagLoft help me set up other additional integrations?

Absolutely! Allow us to introduce you to Zapier & MailChimp

Integrate other apps to your Universal App using Zapier.

Zapier is a service that allows you to connect multiple web apps and automate workflows between them. In 2021, it supports integration with over 4,000 apps and services. With the Universal App, you can now use Zapier to connect to these apps and services all under one roof. To get started, you will need to sign up for Zapier and choose a plan (free or paid). After signing up, you will have access to a wide range of integrations with popular apps like Shopify, Kartra, MailChimp, and Salesforce. Please note that some premium apps may require a paid Zapier subscription in order to be integrated.

Universal App & MailChimp — A Perfect Pair

One of the many apps that can be integrated with the Universal App using Zapier is MailChimp, an email marketing service that allows you to send promotional emails to your customers or a wider audience. If you want to ensure that anyone who subscribes to your Universal App is added to your MailChimp contact list, you can use the following workflow:

  1. Create a Zapier account and a MailChimp account.
  2. Accept the invite to the Zapier App by clicking on the provided link.
  3. Set up the Zap using this guide.

After completing these steps, any new subscribers to your Universal App will be automatically added to your MailChimp contacts. If you have any questions or need assistance with setting up the Zapier integration, you can refer to this guide or contact the customer support team for help.



Natasha K. D.
MagLoft — Digital Publishing Platform

I share insightful stories, tips & tricks on how to help your digital business to excel. I crochet on my free time.