The project space

9 Steps to Make Any Software Project Successful.

François-Xavier Briollais
Published in
8 min readDec 19, 2021


Successful software projects don’t just happen. They require a lot of work, planning, and foresight. Working with software is like knitting with your head in the clouds — there are so many moving parts that it can be hard to know where to start. For this reason, we’ve compiled a list of ten simple steps that will make any software project successful.

Know Your Goals

The first step of any project is to know your goals. So before you start anything, what’s the goal? What do you want your software to do? Is it a website, an app, or a software program? By answering these questions ahead of time, you’ll be able to work more efficiently and effectively.

  • If your software will be used for a website, what is the purpose of that particular website? Is it meant for sales or customer service?
  • What are your goals with the app in terms of downloads and revenue?
  • Have a “vision” for how your software should look when finished. This vision could include features like user guides, tutorials, and social media integration.

Understand the Project Scope

This is the first step in any software project. You need to know what you need to accomplish and what resources you’ll be using.

Key things to consider when defining your project scope might include:

  • Who will be involved?
  • What are the deadlines?
  • What are the deliverables?
  • Where will this be developed and deployed?
  • What programming language or framework will you use?
  • How much time can you dedicate to this project on a weekly basis?

Understand the Software Specification

Before you take any steps towards your software project, you must understand the goals of your project. What are your team’s reasons for developing this software?

Once you have a clear idea of why you’re doing this and what your specific goals are, it’ll be easier to start planning. This will help avoid scope creep : a development process where the scope of the project keeps changing as it progresses.

Once you have an understanding of what needs to happen and your criteria for success, it’s time to start writing down requirements. It’s important that these requirements be both detailed and concise, so people know exactly what they need to do without wasting time on extra details.

Creating a software specification is an iterative process that requires constant feedback from stakeholders, so plan accordingly.
The more iterations and feedback, the better!

Define Your Requirements

The first step to a successful software project is to define your requirements. These requirements should be written down, in detail, and should include the following:

  • What the software is supposed to do.
  • What the software is not allowed to do (for example, it should not delete any files on its own).
  • How the software is supposed to function (for example, when it’s done it should produce a report with these details).
  • The expected hardware requirements and operating system needed by the software.
  • The time in which you would like all of this done (in other words, when would you like the first prototype). This is important so that you know how much time you have before your deadline and so that your team knows how much time they have to accomplish everything.
  • The amount of money you are willing to spend on the project (this is not an insignificant detail, as it will affect how you do the project, how much time you have to do it, and how long you can afford to maintain the software after its completion).

The next steps are to identify your budget and decide on a programming language. It’s important that your team have experience with your programming language of choice because.

Once you’ve done all of this, then it’s time to start developing your software. This is when the fun begins!

Plan for Scalability and Flexibility

Let’s start with the basics. Planning for scalability and flexibility is a crucial part of any software project. The last thing you want to do is build a project that requires tons of work just to be completed.

To avoid this, plan how you can use your software. For example, if you’re creating a website, plan how you will scale up the site as more people visit it. If you’re creating an app, think about how you can add new features later on without disrupting the original design and functionality.

Of course, planning is only half the battle. Implementing your plans is where all the hard work pays off. If you’ve done your research and are confident in what you’ve created, then get to work!

Break It Down into Feasible Steps

Let’s call your project a software project because it is what it is. Now, let’s take a look at the simple steps you can take to make it successful!

1. Identify the Problem

How would you know if you have a problem? Often times, when we don’t recognize that something is broken, we just keep plugging along and then it becomes overwhelming to figure out what needs to be done. However if you stop for a moment and think about how you feel about your current situation, then you’ll likely realize that there’s an issue. It’s important that you know the extent of your problem before taking any kind of action.

2. Define Your Goal

What do you want to accomplish by solving this problem? It is important that your goal is clearly defined so that everyone knows exactly what they’re working towards. If everyone knows where they’re headed, they’ll be more likely to work on making sure things go smoothly and get there as quickly as possible without having any missteps along the way!

3. Break Down Your Goal into Actionable Items

Now that you’ve identified your goal, it’s time to break down each individual actionable item into smaller tasks or milestones. This will help create

Schedule It and Track Progress

The essential step to ensuring that your project is successful is to schedule it.

This means not just putting a date on when you’ll start, but also setting aside time for breaks and for project reviews. You don’t have to be a mathematician with your calendar app — keep it simple and use pen and paper or a whiteboard. The more space there is in your calendar, the better.

When you’re planning out your schedule, you need to think about what type of work will make up what percentage of the work. For example, if most of the work will be coding and design, then that’s where you should focus your time.

Once you’ve set aside time for breaks and reviews (maybe even after each 100-hour milestone), track your progress on milestones and tasks with milestones. This way you can stay on top of how much progress is made each day and which percentage of the task has been completed.

You can also keep track of this information in Trello or Asana if those tools are more convenient for your workflow.

Deliver It on Time

Delivering software on time is a must for the success of your project. If you want to avoid the embarrassment of showing up with a few weeks left in your contract, then it’s time to do your homework.

The first step will be to work out what features you need and how many features you’ll need overall. With this information, you can determine what size team you’ll need and how long they’ll take. They’re also an important factor when it comes to budgeting and scheduling.

Once your team is set up, start planning the development process. There are a number of different methods that developers use including Agile development (which uses short iterations), prototyping, and feature-based development. However, whichever method you choose will depend on the size of your team and timeline for delivery.

Once your plan is drawn up (and agreed upon by everyone involved) then it’s time for writing code! This starts with getting all members on board with their roles in the project — whether that means learning new skills or working around preexisting ones.

Make Sure it Works.

Many software projects start with a simple idea, but they don’t end there. Before you begin any project, make sure that your idea has a solid foundation.

Testing is an important part of software development. It’s the process of checking your software to make sure that it works correctly.

Before you begin writing, determine what you want to test, and write down the criteria by which you will evaluate your program. Then test each element of the program according to your criteria.

For example, if you are creating a calculator program, you might test the following:

  • The calculator should be able to add two numbers correctly.
  • The calculator should be able to multiply two numbers correctly.
  • The calculator should be able to divide two numbers correctly.
  • The calculator should display the correct result when a number is divided by 0 or when there is a division by zero error.
  • The calculator should display proper formatting for the display. For example, it should display an integer as a whole number and a decimal as a point number.
  • The calculator should be able to clear the screen.

Once you’ve written your program, you can use your testing criteria to evaluate how well your program meets those requirements. After you’ve tested your program and have determined that it works correctly, you can then go back and make changes if necessary.

Test-driven development is a software development technique that works by writing tests before the software is developed.

The developer writes the test first and then writes the code to pass that test.

The developer continues to write tests, one at a time, until the software is fully functional. Then, once the program has been coded and all of the tests have been passed, it is ready for release.

Test-driven development can be used with any programming language or technology. It can also be used in conjunction with other development methods such as agile programming or extreme programming (XP).

Test-driven development requires that developers write their code in small increments rather than large ones. This makes it easier to find and fix errors as they are discovered instead of when the entire program is finished.

Test-driven development has been shown to increase developers’ productivity by as much as 50% and reduce the number of bugs in software by as much as 90%.

Test-driven development is a very effective way to develop software, but it is not without its drawbacks. Test-driven development requires that developers write tests before writing the code which can be time consuming.

Also, if the program changes in any way, then the test must be changed or rewritten. Test-driven development can also be difficult to use with legacy systems or systems that have already been created and tested.

However, these drawbacks do not outweigh the benefits of test-driven development, especially when compared with other development methods.


There are many questions to ask yourself before moving forward: What will the overall software do? Who will use it? Will it be free or paid? Will it be open-source or closed-source? Where will it be hosted? How much will it cost to use this software? What are your goals for this project?

Once you’ve defined these basic questions and answers, you can move forward with confidence knowing that your idea is sound.

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François-Xavier Briollais

Pattern analyst, system craftsmen. Usually annoyingly speaking about CS, systems, organisations and semiology. Art history senior lecturer