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How to Build a Software Architecture Framework.

François-Xavier Briollais
Published in
9 min readDec 19, 2021


Software Architecture is the process of designing the components and structure of a computer software system that include hardware, data, and processes. In order to build a successful software architecture, it is necessary to have a framework that is flexible, reusable and easy-to-learn. A Software Architecture framework can be created using object-oriented design principles. Because software is evolving so quickly and there are so many different types of software systems in existence today, it is important for developers to create reusable architecture frameworks so they do not have to design from scratch every time they write a new application or program. Here are some ways you can start building your own Software Architecture framework right now.

What is a Software Architecture Framework?

A software architecture framework is a set of artifacts that helps us build a system. It is a combination of patterns, that are used to solve common problems. These problems are common because they occur across multiple projects and domains. The framework is not just about the patterns, but also about the relationships between the patterns and how they work together to solve the problem.

The difference between an architecture framework and an architecture description is quite similar to what you find in object oriented programming. An object oriented programming language typically has classes for representing different types of objects (rectangles, circles, etc.). The language also has methods for operating on these objects (drawing them on the screen, changing their color). The class and method definitions constitute an object oriented language’s architecture description. The class and method definitions will not, however, tell you how to use these classes and methods together to solve problems. For this you need an architecture framework.

A software architecture framework is a set of reusable design patterns that are aligned with the business goals of the system. The patterns are not just about technology, but also about business rules and policies. A good software architecture framework should cover all the areas of concern for the system being built, such as security, performance, scalability, availability and usability.

In order to build a successful software architecture, it is necessary to have a framework that is flexible, reusable and easy-to-learn. A Software Architecture framework can be created using object-oriented design principles.

Object-Oriented Design Principles.

The Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a relatively modern way of thinking about software. It is based on the idea that everything in life can be represented as an object, including people and cars, etc. A person is an object; a car is an object; and so are all other things in the world. In real-life this may be true to some extent but it does not mean that everything should be represented by objects in the computer program. For example, we cannot have a person or a car as an object in the computer program because they do not exist inside the computer.

An Object Oriented program is a collection of objects and the objects interact with each other using methods. A method is like a function in the procedural programming but it is associated with an object.

An object can be created by defining its attributes and behavior. An attribute is a variable that belongs to an object. An attribute can be thought of as a characteristic of an object, for example, a person may have name and age as attributes. A behavior is something that the object does or can do, for example, a person may have behavior like eat (to consume food), walk (to move around) and speak (to communicate).

In OOPs we define classes to represent objects in the real world. For example, we define class Person to represent a person. A class is a blueprint for an object and all objects belonging to the same class have similar attributes and behaviors.

From the definition of classes, we can say that a class can be thought of as a template or mold for creating objects. All objects belonging to the same class have similar attributes and behavior.Object-oriented design principles are important because they allow for reuse of software architecture within other systems. They also facilitate easier learning among new developers, since they are able to learn by understanding how existing applications work. When you create your own Software Architecture framework, it is important that you adhere to these principles.

The first step to building a successful Software Architecture framework is to identify the components of the system. For example, if you were writing an application for a customer relationship management (CRM) system, the components might be the marketing module and the sales module.

Then, create a hierarchy for those components. The hierarchy provides structure and gives developers a starting point when developing code for their particular application or program.

Finally, make sure that your architecture framework is flexible enough so that it can accommodate changes in technology over time. It’s also important to keep the framework easy-to-learn so that developers can easily determine where to find certain functions within the code base.

Implementation of an Object-Oriented Framework.

Object-oriented design principles are one way to create a reusable Software Architecture framework. One benefit of object-oriented design patterns is that they allow for the creation of software systems that are easier to maintain, comprehend and reuse. Creating your own frameworks can be very time consuming; however, there are some steps you can take to make the process more manageable.

  1. Determine how maintainable your framework will be by evaluating its applicability in different environments. Maintainability is important because it will help with the ease of use for developers who work with your code.
  2. Decide on which conventions you want to use when implementing your architecture framework. For example, if you created a framework with an object-oriented design pattern, you might want to implement the following conventions:
  3. Ask yourself if every piece of data needed by your framework is included in the constructor function or not? If not, what will happen if someone tries to access this data at a later time

Benefits of a Software Architecture Framework.

Software Architecture is a critical component in the success of any software organization. It is important for developers to create frameworks that are reusable and easy-to-learn, especially when developing new programs.

Consequently, it is necessary to construct a Software Architecture framework that is flexible and can be reused over and over again.

A Software Architecture framework can be created using object-oriented design principles.

Developers need to design frameworks with specific goals in mind: flexibility, reusability and ease of use.

Here are some ways you can start building your own Software Architectural framework right now:

  • Create a UML diagram of your current system architecture so you have an understanding of its structure. This will help you determine which architecture would work best for your next project’s needs.
  • Determine what kind of architecture best suits your project by examining the complexity, size, responsiveness, etc., then choose the appropriate architecture that matches these features for your desired outcomes while being maintainable at all times.
  • Research multiple architectures online before deciding on one specific type because there are many advantages and disadvantages to each different style of architecting software applications.

Functions of a Software Architecture Framework

There are a number of key functions that a Software Architecture framework can perform. These functions ensure that the architecture will be easy-to-learn and flexible for future generations of developers.

  • Flexibility- The framework should allow any type of program or application to be built on top of it, which means that it must be able to handle different software systems.
  • Reusability- The framework should be able to work with any type of hardware and integrate with existing frameworks, meaning that it can be reused in other programs or applications.
  • Simplicity- A good Software Architecture framework should have a simple design so new developers can learn how it works quickly. This makes the architecture easier to maintain and modify when needed.
  • Scalability- To make sure the architecture is scalable, it needs to have a modular design which allows components of the system to change without having an impact on other components.

Architectural Models for Architecting Systems with Different Characteristics.

It is important to keep in mind the characteristics of the system you want to create when deciding how to structure it. For example, some systems are designed with a great deal of flexibility that is not necessary for other systems.

For some applications, the benefits of reuse outweighs any cost incurred by increased complexity. That’s why there are many different types of software architecture frameworks to consider when designing your own system.

The different approaches to the development of systems that have different characteristics are illustrated below.

Object-oriented Model:

The Object-Oriented model is an approach to the development of a system that treats it as if it were composed of objects. It focuses on encapsulating both data and the procedures that are used to manipulate the data within objects. It also emphasizes inheritance which allows subclasses to inherit characteristics from their superclasses. The Object-Oriented model has been widely used for systems with complex characteristics such as those found in business applications and games.

Spiral Model:

The Spiral model is also a sequential approach to the development of a system. It involves an iterative sequence of steps that starts with a feasibility study, followed by detailed design, implementation and testing. The Spiral model has been widely used for systems with unpredictable characteristics such as those used in computer-aided design.

Waterfall Model:

The Waterfall model is a sequential approach to the development of a system. It involves a sequence of steps from feasibility study through detailed design, implementation, integration, testing and maintenance. The Waterfall model has been widely used for systems with predictable characteristics such as those used in banking and telecommunications. The steps involved in this model are listed below:

Feasibility study : This is the first step in the development of a system; it involves a detailed analysis of the features and functions of the proposed system.

System design : The system design describes how the proposed system will be built and how it will interact with other systems and people. The design should include an outline of all major components, modules, data flows, processing flowcharts, etc.

Code implementation : This step involves writing code to implement each module as described in the design phase.

Integration testing : Once all modules have been coded, they must be integrated together to form a working system for testing purposes. The integration process consists of testing each module individually and then linking them together until a complete working system is formed that can operate independently from other systems or components that have not yet been implemented in the project. Integration tests are performed to ensure that no errors have been made during coding or when integrating modules together to form a complete working program (software).

System testing : Once the integration process has been completed, the system is tested to ensure that it functions according to specifications. System testing may be performed by a user or by developers themselves.

User acceptance testing is conducted after the completion of system and integration tests to ensure that the software meets user needs and expectations. This phase may also include beta-testing, which involves a limited release of software to users outside of the development organization for purposes of identifying any errors or problems prior to general release.

Maintenance involves any changes made after deployment and includes upgrade activities, bug fixes, configuration management, documentation updates, and so forth. The following activities are typical maintenance tasks:

• Install upgrades and patches for pre-existing components (software) within a system or network environment;

• Update documentation;

• Perform routine maintenance activities such as backups;

• Identify and correct errors or defects in the software, system, or network;

• Debug and resolve problems;

• Update systems, software, and networks to ensure that they are compatible with other existing or planned systems, software, and networks; and

• Perform change control activities.

Disposal involves all activities related to the removal of a system or network from service including the following:

• Decommissioning hardware

• Returning equipment to vendors

• Destroying data.


Software Architecture is a critical part of any software development lifecycle. A framework can help you understand the intricacies of software architecture while also providing you with the knowledge of how to build upon it. With the help of an architecture framework, your software system will be easier to maintain and will be able to adhere to sound architectural principles.



François-Xavier Briollais

Pattern analyst, system craftsmen. Usually annoyingly speaking about CS, systems, organisations and semiology. Art history senior lecturer