How to Think like a Computer Scientist ?

And finally become the weird guy of your group !

François-Xavier Briollais
Published in
6 min readDec 20, 2021


Thinking like a computer scientist can help you solve problems that require logical, analytical thinking — like planning a route to get somewhere or figuring out how to make your favorite recipe. It also helps you understand and use computers better. The more you learn about the world through coding and computer science, the easier it is to solve problems and understand our digital world!

Here are some ways to think like a computer scientist.

A brief history of computer science

Computer science (CS) is the study of how to use computers.

The earliest forms of computer science started in the 1940s with mathematical calculations.

Later, with the invention of microprocessors in the 1970s, computer science became more about programming and designing software.

Today, people who do CS are called “computer scientists”.

They might specialize in different areas like artificial intelligence (AI), game design, or robotics.

Some people who study CS become teachers or work at universities. Others may start their own companies — like Microsoft or Apple!

Think like a computer scientist

When you think like a computer scientist, you’re able to see the world in new ways — and solve problems that might not be solvable through everyday thinking.

Here are six ways that thinking like a computer scientist can help you:

1. You’ll think of everything as a set of instructions

2. You’ll break down big tasks into smaller ones

3. You’ll promptly identify and correct errors

4. You’ll experiment with many different solutions until you find one that works

5. You’ll focus on the goal, not the steps

6. You’ll see patterns in complex things

Think of everything as a set of instructions

No matter what you’re trying to do, it can be broken down into a series of instructions.

For example, if you’re trying to bake cookies, the list of steps might look like this:

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit

2. Mix flour, sugar and butter in a bowl until it forms a dough

3. Roll out dough and cut it with cookie cutters

4. Place cookies on cookie sheet and put them in the oven for 12–15 minutes

5. Remove from oven and let cool on wire rack

6. Enjoy!

The more you break down your tasks into smaller ones and put them into an order that makes sense, the easier they’ll be — and the less likely you’ll make any mistakes along the way!

Break down big tasks into smaller ones

One of the most important ways to think like a computer scientist is to break down big tasks into smaller ones. If you have a large project that you need to complete, try breaking it down into smaller, achievable tasks. This way, it’ll be easier to get started and you’ll also be able to see how far along you are in your progress.

For example, if your goal is to build a website for your business, break this goal up into more manageable pieces. Think about all the different components that go into making a website — designing the layout, writing content, uploading images, etc. Once you’ve broken down the big task into smaller ones, start tackling them one-by-one! This will help keep your eyes on the prize and make it feel less overwhelming.

Promptly identify and correct errors

Computers are great at making simple calculations, but they have trouble with more complicated tasks. For example, if you ask the computer which is greater, 20 or 5 it will immediately answer 20. But if you ask the computer to calculate what number comes after 15 in the Fibonacci sequence — it will get stuck trying to work it out.

So how can you help your computer solve more complicated problems? By recognizing errors and correcting them!

When you’re working on a problem with a computer scientist, always be on the lookout for errors that could stall your progress. It’s important to identify them as soon as possible so that both of you can work on fixing them together.

For example, if your program is not running properly or giving an incorrect answer, don’t panic! A little experimentation may be all that’s needed to make it work properly again.

Experiment with many different solutions until you find one that works

When we think about computer programming, we often think of a single solution that is completely correct. In reality, there are many different ways to solve a problem.

For example, if you want to move from one point to another on a map, you can use a journey planner that calculates the most efficient route. You could also plot the points on paper and calculate distances by hand. Or you might write a program in Python or Java to find the shortest path between two points on a map.

As you work through these problem-solving steps, you will likely find areas where your first solutions weren’t complete or errors were made. Don’t be embarrassed about making mistakes as this is all part of the process! Keep trying new things until you’re satisfied with your final solution.

Focus on the goal, not the steps

When you’re coding, it’s important to focus on the goal of what you’re trying to do, not just the steps. For example, when you’re writing a program to calculate the area of a circle, you might know that to calculate the area where r is the radius and π is 3.14, you need to divide π by two times pi (π) squared (r²) and multiply by four (4).

The way computer scientists think about this problem is like this: We know that we want to find out how to calculate the area of a circle, but we don’t care about how we get there. If we keep getting stuck because we can’t figure out how to solve one step in our process, then it’s time for us to take a break and come back with fresh eyes.

See patterns in complex things.

Computer scientists are able to see patterns in very complex things. If you can see a pattern, it means that there is a simpler way to solve the problem. This is what computer scientists call abstraction. In other words, if you’re trying to do something and it’s all complicated, try breaking it down into smaller pieces and then figure out how those pieces fit together.

For example, let’s say your job is to find a number between 1 and 100.

If you were thinking like a computer scientist, you would first figure out the pattern: It starts with 1 and ends with 100. Then you would use that information to help break down the problem so that it’s easier to solve. You could ask yourself: What numbers come after 29? Do I have any numbers that are next to each other? For every 5 numbers after 29, do they all have the same number of digits? These questions can help you understand where the answer lies!


Computer scientists are always thinking about the goal, not the steps. They are always focused on how to solve a problem, not just solving it. This blog post helps guide you to think like a computer scientist. The 8 guidelines mentioned in the post are the best way to start thinking like a computer scientist.

The first step is to identify the goal you want to achieve. Identifying the goal will help you understand the steps needed to achieve it. The next step is to break down big tasks into smaller ones. Breaking down big tasks into smaller ones may seem difficult, but it will make the process more manageable. Next, promptly identify and correct errors. This will help you avoid mistakes, which can be time-consuming and difficult to correct. Experiment with many different solutions until you find one that works. This will allow you to explore many different possibilities, which may lead you to find a better solution. Finally, focus on the goal, not the steps. This will help you maintain your focus and not get sidetracked by focusing on what is happening right this moment instead of what needs to happen in order to reach your goal.



François-Xavier Briollais

Pattern analyst, system craftsmen. Usually annoyingly speaking about CS, systems, organisations and semiology. Art history senior lecturer