Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models — A Complete overview

François-Xavier Briollais


With the introduction of software development models, a new approach to software programming was brought into the spotlight. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models are a framework for building and managing projects as well as providing stability and predictability in the process. These models help developers understand how to build what they want and develop it more efficiently.

Some of these models are waterfall, spiral, hybrid and Agile. Each model has its own benefits and drawbacks, but all have one important factor in common: they’re based on an iterative process with multiple iterations. This allows changes or refinements to be made at a later time with greater efficiency. Here is an overview of each SDLC model, outlining their pros and cons so you can decide which best suits your needs.

Introduction to SDLC Models

There are many different software development life cycle models, but for the sake of simplicity and comparative purposes, we will only discuss four:

Waterfall: This model breaks every project into three phases. In the first phase, called “planning,” developers establish the project’s goals and specifications. In the second phase, “design,” the developers create a plan for how the software will work. The third phase is called “implementation.” It is where all the coding takes place; testing and debugging ensues as well.

Spiral: This model moves back and forth between three different phases to ensure that projects are completed effectively. The phases are planning, developing, and checking-in. Each phase has its own timeline with no overlap between them. There is also a fourth phase which consists of reusing what was done in previous iterations to avoid unnecessary expenses or wasted time during development.

Hybrid: This model allows developers to work on multiple projects at once without having to switch between different models each time they need to build a new one. It can be difficult to maintain all three aspects of a project within this SDLC model due to overlapping timelines that require constant switching between tasks with little or no break in-between them.

The waterfall model

The waterfall model is the most traditional software development model, and it’s what most people think of when they hear about software development. The waterfall model consists of sequential phases that are all important to the project’s success.

  • In the first phase, requirements are gathered
  • In the second phase, design is created using a high-level approach
  • In the third phase, developers start building software
  • In the fourth and final phase, testing is performed on the software and released to customers or users

So what are some disadvantages? One disadvantage of this model is that it can be difficult to make changes in a timely manner if something goes wrong. Additionally, depending on how large your project is and how many people you have working on it, it can take longer than other models. Another issue with this model is that since each stage has its own distinct purpose, there may not be any overlap between them. This means that feedback from one stage may not be applied to another stage and therefore may lead to wasted time or missed opportunities for improvement.

The spiral model

The spiral model is a process that’s based on completing each phase of the project in a loop.

In the start-up phase, developers will come up with an idea for an app and then plan out the project they want to create.

They’ll then move into the concept phase, where they’ll define their goals and scope. This will help them decide which steps to take in order to make their product as efficient as it can be.

Next, they’ll move into design and development phases where they develop prototypes of their product and test them with users before moving onto launch.

Finally, after everything has been developed and tested, they can incorporate changes into the final build of the product or iterate on what needs to be fixed before launching. This helps ensure that quality remains high throughout all these stages because developers have time to make changes without having to throw away work already done.

The hybrid model

The hybrid model is a mix of the waterfall and spiral models, which means it’s both iterative and incremental. This model is ideal for businesses that have multiple phases to their software development project, but it also has drawbacks. The biggest drawback is that it can be difficult for developers to stay on track with deadlines because this model can be hard to predict. Often times when companies start using this type of methodology they will find themselves in a situation where projects are taking longer than anticipated or there aren’t enough resources available due to time constraints from other projects within the company.

Some of the benefits of this model are that it’s fast and flexible in design, allowing your team to complete more tasks than the waterfall or spiral models allow. It also provides stability because your team knows exactly what they need to accomplish each step of the way. Lastly, this model can reduce risk by following an organized process. The agile methodology is a project management method created by David Anderson and Ken Schwaber which emphasizes collaboration between cross-functional teams through iterative development cycles called “Sprints.” Each Sprint starts with planning (the first 2 weeks) followed by execution for 4 weeks where features are delivered into production as quickly as possible without compromising quality standards.

The Agile model

Agile, often shortened to Agile Model, is the most popular software development method and the one that most closely resembles how developers work in their daily lives. The Agile model is based on an iterative process with multiple iterations. This allows changes or refinements to be made at a later time with greater efficiency.

The benefits of the agile model are its ability to quickly respond to change and face new challenges as they arise. With agile, you can continually improve your software by working consecutively towards achieving your goals and meeting evolving needs. Additionally, it’s easier to make changes and collaborate with other team members as you continuously iterate on your project.

However, one drawback of the agile model is that it’s not always ideal for large projects and companies who want more stability in their processes. With more iterations come more risks which could lead to delays or even a project cancellation if there aren’t enough resources available.

Agile overview with pros and cons

The iterative approach of the Agile SDLC Model allows for changes to be made at a later time with greater efficiency. The downside is that it’s not as predictable as other models.

This model is built around rapid prototyping and collaboration in order to create software on an ongoing basis. It lets the project go through multiple iterations and tests out new ideas, which can lead to changes in the future or refinements along the way.

The biggest benefit of this model is its focus on collaboration between developers, which often leads to more development options and improvements than other models. With this focus comes a lot of flexibility, but there are also limitations to consider such as how much time you have before your project will be completed.

The main drawback of the Agile SDLC Model is that it’s less predictable than other models, which can make it hard for managers and clients to know what they can expect from you. This unpredictability can also lead to major risks if your project doesn’t go well, so it’s important to understand what you’re getting into before opting for this model.

Waterfall overview with pros and cons

The Waterfall Model is a linear process that is often used in software development. It kicks off with the definition of a project, then moves through phases and iterations until it reaches a finished product.

This model has some inherent benefits. First, it’s time-tested for its efficiency and clarity, since it is easy to document each step and express what needs to be done next. Second, the waterfall model allows users to fully understand the scope of the project prior to starting work; this assists in determining priorities. Finally, there are clear milestones that show progress towards completion.

It also has some drawbacks. First, there is no room for changes or updates along the way; you have one shot at building your product and that’s it. Secondly, since there are only two possible outcomes (success or failure), it can be difficult to accurately measure success without setting up milestones along the way. Thirdly, this model doesn’t allow for feedback loops or refinements; instead you either succeed or fail quickly and move on to something else. Finally, this model doesn’t allow for iterative processes which could lead to better results overall.

Spiral Overview with pros and cons

The spiral model is based on iterative development and includes many iterations of the process. It is also considered to be the most agile of the SDLC models because it allows for changes throughout the project.

One downside to this model is that each iteration might take longer than expected and cause delays in reaching a certain milestone. Another drawback to this model is that it can become very complex and difficult to maintain, especially when there are many team members involved.

This model works best with small teams or developers who have a working knowledge of the specifics of software programming.

Hybrid Overview with pros and cons.

The hybrid model is the most common SDLC model and has many advantages for development projects. When using a hybrid model, the team can start out with a waterfall process, then switch to an Agile model for the rest of the project if needed. This allows for flexibility and adaptability in your project without sacrificing speed or efficiency.

Some of the benefits of using this model are that it’s easier to understand because it follows linear processes; it allows for multiple iterations at a later time; it encourages cross-functional communication; and when used properly, this model can easily meet deadlines while maintaining quality.

However, there are some disadvantages as well. One drawback is that it creates longer lead times than other models like Agile. Another disadvantage is that people may get bored with this approach because their work is repetitive. The final downside is that there’s not much room for creativity in this type of process.


We have discussed a lot of important and useful things in this article. Hope you have enjoyed the reading. If you have any query, feel free to ask it in the comment section below. If you found this article interesting, don’t hesitate to share it with your friends and colleagues !



François-Xavier Briollais

Pattern analyst, system craftsmen. Usually annoyingly speaking about CS, systems, organisations and semiology. Art history senior lecturer