HNY 2016!

Reasons Aplenty to Use DIY Event Registration Platforms for Recurring Events

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016 to you and besties for a successful upcoming year :-) May this new year bring you all that you desire and cherish to achieve. Hope you have a blast of a PARTAYYY this new year’s eve!!!

Devesh Rathore
Published in
4 min readDec 31, 2015


Now on to the mundane stuff about making a case for the use of DIY event registration platforms for recurring events…

Event websites are a common dictum today for attendees to check out events happening in their city and to keep track of performance artists that they’d like to watch and mark their calendars for. While there are these once-in-a-lifetime events like a sold-out Adele concert, where tickets fly off minus the marketing sweat, there also exists a spectrum of smaller recurring events that has a dedicated audience. So, how do you go about planning and managing those?

As an event manager, if you are planning on hosting recurring events like workshops, weekend getaways, hobby classes, wine tasting/dine-ups, monthly lectures, fitness sessions, association chapter meets etc.; you know that juggling multiple events with multiple dates and time can be one serious challenge. Schedules change, people drop out last-minute - the list of hassles goes on.

So here you are, an event organizer, who is hosting the same event periodically, dealing with the pressure of making sure that you retain your current attendees while also expanding your audience, how do you do that? The answer is an event registration platform.

Such a platform cuts the hassles of putting up schedule over and over again with enhanced features like tools for registration, communication, promotion, and reporting for individual events within your event series that helps increase attendance, while ensuring the best online and on-site experience for your attendees.

Fancy much? Well, these are just the basics and we are only getting started. Such platforms take the burden off you and almost manage the event for you, while also generating timely progress reports.

Setting up a recurring event involves the same process as any other, which again saves precious hours. You start by filling in details of the recurring event, including details to what the event is about, schedule and the venue. The platform then lets you invite attendees and hosts a payment gateway to sell tickets. And viola, you are done!

Event apps further accentuate your prospects of staying in touch with your attendees for recurring events by providing an engagement channel by way of creating a community around the event you offer. This not only opens a dialogue mode between you and the user but also expands the possibility of your attendee staying in touch with you even after the event.

The platform can upgrade a usual event to a recurring one, based on your direction, lets you gather feedback from former attendees, thus letting you keep in touch with them while also giving a measure of how successful the event was and informs you about what you could do to make the experience better for your audience.

The process makes it easier for you to send invites and the social sharing feature lets you broadcast the event on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, which helps you find a bigger and diverse audience adding to the world-of-mouth marketing.

While a person might have heard a good review from her friend about the event, the social media platform lets the person connect to the event platform, making it easier for her to learn about the event and buy tickets from the website. And there, you just earned a new attendee.

Now imagine doing the same, without an event website and/or an event app and dealing with the old school hassles of spending hours on invites, splurging on advertising and marketing and then asking your attendees to physically pick up their tickets. You won’t even be sure how many people will actually show up and buy your tickets. A scary predicament? We thought so too.

An event registration platform also throws open the possibility to mature your business model, if you are a recurring event organizer, by converting your regular attendees into subscribing members.

So, do give an event registration platform a try. While you are at it, do let us know which of the many available on the web did you chose and why :-)

And if you felt us preaching to the choir, then do let us know which registration platform do you already use and why :-) :-) :-)

