Most People See Fear The Wrong Way. How To Conquer Any Fear

I used to fear many things until I found a method to make my fear work in favor of me.

3 min readMar 21, 2024


“Men are not afraid of things, but of how they view them.” — Epictetus

Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

Humans are born with 2 fears only.

  • Fear of falling
  • Fear of loud noises

The rest of the fears are made up. Let that sink in.

Our environment — parents, siblings, friends, TV tells us to be afraid of the dark, ghosts, and monsters. Such experiences shape our fears when we become adults.

In adulthood, we fear even trivial things like “What will people think if I start my blog?” This is known as, fearing everything.

I had the same issue of fearing things, and not knowing how to view and use them. Due to this problem, fear stopped me from doing magical things in life.

It was not long ago that I sorted my fears out. It changed my view when I learned how to use that fear to enhance myself.

Fortunately, my view on fear switched when I learned how to use fear to enhance myself.

Here’s the method I learned to conquer fear:

To get over fearing everything, you must be aware of your fears and list them on your notepad. Now, pick one fear and we shall work on that first.

Let’s say the fear is:
I am switching careers in my mid-20s because I want to try out something new. My fears are being hindered.

Reasons for the fears are:
All my hard work is going to the garbage now.
2. What if my next career doesn’t go as well as I expected?
3. I’m passionate about trying new career options but, is this necessary?

Analyze each fear:
1. “All my hard work is going to the garbage now.”

Your hard work won’t go to waste. You have loads of experience which you can use in your next career. Over a decade, you have mastered transferable skills such as marketing, sales, customer relationships, and more. It’s time you implement these in your new career!

2. “If my next career doesn’t go as well as I expect, what will happen?”

If it doesn’t go well, you’ll find another job at other companies. In the meantime, have one year of expenses in your savings account for emergencies. Remember to secure a position in your new career before quitting your current career.

3. I’m passionate about trying new career options but, is this necessary?

You’ve decided to try something different. If you don’t do it now, you’ll regret it for the rest of the years. You are financially safe to explore. What more must there be? There’s a lot to be ventured into this world. Your limitation is what you think you are. Come out from being subjective.

There’s a reason why the analysis part is spoken from a third-person point of view. It will appear as if someone is speaking to you. Someone is knocking facts on your head on why you should pursue it. This puts a punch on your face to stop fearing your fears.

If you fear something, you lack knowledge of it. Think about it.

When you say “I don’t know if my business idea will work,” you don’t know what you’re doing. You don’t have enough data to prove that your idea will work.

However, when you have your solid business plan at your fingertips, you’ll be confident to say “My business idea will work,” because you know what you’re doing. You have the facts in your brain.

So, if I switch careers in my mid-20s, I need all the data on what will and will not work for me. Once I have them, I’m unstoppable. I’ve successfully managed to use fear as my fuel.

In summary:

Fear -> Analyze fear -> Gain knowledge -> Confident


Knowledge is power.

Thanks for reading, and I wish you all the happiness in this world! 🌎

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I talk about personal growth, business, and writing.