PEMF Therapy Review

Before, we dive in to the PEMF therapy devices review, let us have a quick look at what PEMF is and how it evolved.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy is one of the most powerful wellness protocols that involves using low to medium intensity magnetic fields pulsating at a particular frequency. Since ancient times, even in Ayurveda, we come across Magnetic therapy frequently. And now, since the 1940s, magnetic therapy technology has evolved to generate these magnetic fields using electromagnetic coils and deliver results unseen anywhere in history.

What is PEMF therapy and how does it work?

The science behind PEMF therapy is easy to understand and not surprisingly very effective when understood. All living beings are dependent on the Earth’s natural magnetic field. Every manned spacecraft has PEMF generators, else it won’t be possible for an Astronaut to survive in space.

We are in fact beings of resonance, every cell in the body utilizes tiny electromagnetic currents to function. When a cell is dying, the current of life depletes. It’s now possible to provide optimum electromagnetic nourishment to the cells to an extent where age reversal happens.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) work on the DNA level by turbocharging the mitochondria ensuring optimum cell function and enhanced recovery.

In 1989, David Hood found long term PEMF therapy using 10 Hz at 10 hours per day increased two critical enzymes of cell respiration by 3 times! Those enzymes turned out to be Citrate synthase, the “pacer” of the Krebs cycle & cytochrome c oxidase the last enzyme in the electron transport chain. This means that oxygen utilization improves, and that directly impacts the bioavailability of energy required for growth and repair on the cellular level, no wonder PEMF has a powerful stress-free effect!

In 2003, NASA’s research into using PEMF therapy proved its astounding prowess. The research showed significant down-regulation of 175 maturation and regulatory genes and up-regulation of 150 genes associated with growth and cellular proliferation.

What conditions are benefited by PEMF therapy?

After 2003, research in the field exploded. There are now thousands of studies, clinical trials and several PEMF therapy devices available today.

PEMF has been researched for its effects on hundreds of conditions including Arthritis, Cancer, Parkinson’s, PTSD and many more. If you simply search PEMF therapy on pubmed, one of the largest medical research libraries online, you will find most of them. PEMF therapy research review articles on maintains a bibliography and reviews the information.

Worldwide government agencies are gradually approving the use of this technology for treatment of non-union fractures and at the same time for mental health issues like depression. This shows, how effective electro-medicine can be for the whole body in general and not just have one specific application. It’s clear that PEMF has physiological and neurological effects. It should enhance recovery in almost every condition. The only time PEMF doesn’t work is when there is an infection, in such cases electrical stimulation is the electromedicine protocol to be applied before using PEMF to ensure that no pathogens can benefit.

Stroke rehabilitation, Diabetes, Sleep problems, Back pain and Pain relief are also some of the conditions that greatly benefit from PEMF, often more effective than conventional methods.

PEMF Therapy Machines

The good news is that you don’t have to spend a hell lot to get a good PEMF device today, although you very well could! PEMF machines cost anything from 500 dollars to 10,000 dollars and are usually imported from various parts of the world. Russia, USA and Germany are some of the leading manufacturers of good PEMF devices.

You can compare PEMF machines here. We found the PEMF therapy systems listed here to be both economical and also very effective. Most PEMF therapy devices can be purchased with 30-day trial. They have good online support and work with their users proactively to help them achieve good results. This is how any modern wellness practice should be!

The product developers of these brands have been researching PEMF since more than 30 years.

Some PEMF therapy products guarantee better sleep, radically accelerated recovery, enhanced daytime performance, and incredible anti-ageing effects within 30-days. Their liberal money back guarantee has been available since more than 10 years now, if it wasn’t as effective as they say and their users say it is, they would have been out of business long back.

The systems are easy enough to use by everyone, even in their 80s. Recommended to be used during sleep, they can also be used anytime for a 30 mins or 2 hours session. They recommend daily use during sleep-time. The user can control the amplitude and the programs are designed for providing deeper more recuperative sleep, enhanced recovery or maintaining alertness based on brainwave entrainment principles.

Keep in mind, that the entire frequency range of PEMF therapy is benefiT, so no matter what frequency you use, it will only benefit the cells. The programs are mainly to help establish a healthy biorhythm, once you are used to the system, 10 hz can be used regularly for getting the effects that are so well known about PEMF therapy.

Among its users, Athletes and strongmen claim that their supplement requirement went down drastically to a point where they are now spending thousands of dollars less each year. Stamina and strength gains of 20% without additional supplementation are also some of the effects reports by sportsmen. No wonder, PEMF therapy is regularly used by international athletes to enhance athletic performance.



Joanna Taylor
Magnetic Stimulation Therapy for a Healthier Planet

Jo is an avid researcher and writes about alternative medicine, and pulsed electromagnetic field therapy related content in particular.