Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Results in Stronger, More effective Mitochondria

While you’re sleeping and conserving energy, your cells are producing more and more ATP from the oxygen that you breathe. So instead of wasting the oxygen and creating a bunch of oxidation waste that we know, PEMF Therapy removes oxidatative stress and potentially disease.

Inflammation and then potentially disease is where the oxygen reaches the cells in the dilated blood vessels. Because PEMF therapy dilates your blood vessels, you’ve got much better blood flow and that oxygen that gets to the cells gets burnt completely.

We know this that from the studies that we hang our hat on so to speak, is a scientist named David Hood. He showed that 10 Hz PEMF stimulation tripled the two key enzymes that are responsible for oxygen metabolism in the Oxidation liberation process. One is the pacer of the Krebs cycle and the other is responsible for dragging the oxygen molecule through the mitochondrial membrane. If Oxygen gets there and doesn’t get burned then you have oxygen leakage is what they call the oxygen molecules that didn’t go through the burning process. Or, you know you start creating inflammation.

So basically I mean like a big part of this comes down to understanding this whole concept of Physiology. It wants on one hand what’s called the electron transport chain. Right because look you know when. When you’re creating A.T.P. electrons are basically passing along this chain and Oxygen is getting consumed and converted into water. A.T.P. is a byproduct of that. And what you are saying is when you expose the body to specific Hertz frequencies; For example while you’re sleeping and let’s say you can’t like go outside and sleep on the ground. Or it sounds like from what you’re saying. Even if you go outside and sleep on the ground you’re still going to expose like all the power traveling back to substations and Radio frequencies and all the annoying Side-effects of living in an industrialized society. I guess you’re deep out in the wilderness what you’re saying is that you can expose your body to these frequencies.

When you’re using one of these PEMF machines, it is essentially enhancing your mitochondria, it’s your instrument to improve the ability to convert Oxygen into ATP.

The full effects are noticable in a few days. Athletes and Sports professionals have posted some great feedback about their training performance being enhanced by PEMF therapy, resulting in higher endurance and stamina. The effects are not temporary either, the overall health of an individual begins to improve and reach optimum.



Joanna Taylor
Magnetic Stimulation Therapy for a Healthier Planet

Jo is an avid researcher and writes about alternative medicine, and pulsed electromagnetic field therapy related content in particular.