Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy: What This Technology Can Do for You

Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) are low-frequency, short pulse electromagnetic fields that can be produced in a variety of ways, including some home devices that use PEMFs to treat muscular aches and pains.

Many people have heard about this new technology and wonder what it can do for them. This article will give you an introduction to pulsed electromagnetic field therapy and the many possible benefits this type of PEMF treatment can bring for your health. This article covers:

What is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy?

PEMFs are most commonly produced by a device that generates a magnetic field by passing an electrical current through specially designed coils and applicators. The magnetic field of this device interacts with the molecules inside your cells (called “proteins”), changing their shape and causing them to redistribute themselves, resulting in pain relief and cellular effects. PEMF devices come in many different forms and can be used for a variety of applications. However, the most common application of PEMFs is pain therapy. PEMF devices are used to reduce or eliminate pain, because they target the brain and central nervous system, which is where pain signals are sent. One study found that pulsed electromagnetic field devices significantly reduced muscle pain and improved functional mobility when compared with sham treatment.

Potential Benefits of PEMF Therapy

PEMF devices have the potential to provide several different clinical benefits for patients. These include pain reduction, improved blood flow, decreased inflammation, increased bone density, and reduced muscle spasms, cramps, and spasms.

How Does PEMF Therapy Work?

Researchers are still not entirely sure how PEMF devices work, but they believe that they work by changing the shape of your cells, called “proteins,” inside your body, which then results in pain relief. You can learn about the cellular mechanisms of PEMFs in this PEMF Book. When your cells are hit by a certain frequency of electromagnetic waves, they produce changes in charges triggering several cellular mechanisms resulting in more efficient cellular function. This causes your body to re-organize itself in a way that allows it to function more effectively, similar to how a computer works.

Safety and Side Effects of PEMF Therapy

PEMF devices have been used in clinical settings for years to treat a variety of conditions, including arthritis, joint pain, sciatica, and fibromyalgia. Today, many people are also using PEMF devices for pain relief and increasing their concentration, focus, and metabolism. If you are using a PEMF device for pain relief, you will want to make sure to follow the recommendations for treatment prescribed by your healthcare provider. Many people use these devices to help them sleep better at night.

Is pulsed electromagnetic field therapy right for me?

PEMF devices are still relatively new to the market and are being used for very different purposes. It is important to remember that PEMF therapy is a type of electrotherapy and there is not enough evidence to say that it is effective for any specific medical condition. People who are interested in this technology should do their research and talk to their healthcare provider before starting to use a device.

Tips for Using PEMF Therapies

Experiment with different frequencies and device settings to find what works best for you. It can take a few weeks of daily use to notice a difference.Make sure to drink at least a glass of water when using a PEMF device, as it can help your body process the electromagnetic waves. Try to use a device for at least 15–30 minutes at a time, 3 times a day. If you experience any side effects, stop using the device and see your healthcare provider. PEMF therapy devices are usually not very expensive, but most insurance plans do not cover them, so make sure you keep your receipts as proof of purchase.


Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) are low-frequency, short pulse electromagnetic fields that can be produced in a variety of ways, including some home devices that use PEMFs to treat muscular aches and pains. These devices have shown promise in lowering pain levels, increasing blood flow, and reducing inflammation. These devices come in many different forms including whole-body PEMF mats, and can be used for a variety of applications, including pain relief, increased metabolism, increased focus, better sleep, and increased athletic performance. PEMF devices are relatively new to the market and have not been approved for many conditions. Therefore, there is not enough evidence to say that they are effective for any specific medical condition.



Joanna Taylor
Magnetic Stimulation Therapy for a Healthier Planet

Jo is an avid researcher and writes about alternative medicine, and pulsed electromagnetic field therapy related content in particular.