Humble, adaptable leaders with purpose

Magnetic Notes
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2021

Future of Work: 6 out of the 10 end states to aim for

Humble, adaptable leaders with a clear inspiring purpose that connects and empowers employees are needed to reboot workplaces of the future with a fresh focus on culture, purpose, diversity and empathy.

We’ve identified ten big themes that we’ve seen in the most successful organisations we’ve worked with, and we’re revealing them 2 at a time in a series of articles. Catch article 1: hybrid working and a clear purpose, and article 2 here: autonomous teams and serendipitous workplace, continuing with #5:

5. Leaders are humble and adaptable

You could call it the Southgate effect, because business school professors will be talking about Gareth’s leadership in Euro 2020 for decades to come.

His combination of deep empathy, absolute clarity and a focus on person over player is an inspiration and a reminder of how far many leaders have to go.

There was already a shift in priorities when it comes to leadership skills and styles. Previously essential qualities such as deep domain expertise are being replaced by industry agnostic qualities of agility, empathy, communication and willingness to change.

“I know I don’t know all the answers,” says Liv Garfield, CEO of Severn Trent. “I listen. I want everyone to share their brilliant ideas. Everyone knows they can reach me. Everyone knows I respond to emails.”

We are all learning through this process, and transparency is what’s resonating with employees. Leaders must set a clear and real purpose, and communicate it openly and transparently. People want purpose and short-term clarity, not long-term strategy.

6. Purpose is more than a mission statement printed on the wall in fancy type

‘Purpose’ feels fuzzy and vague — until the moment that it doesn’t. It is your fundamental reason for being, not something lofty or written to sound good, but relatable and actionable.

Legal and General is a business built on ‘slow money’ — long-term, prudent investment — so it’s in a great position to fund and support net zero and clean energy projects. “We can’t stand around saying, ‘Someone ought to be doing this,’’ says Bernie Hickman, CEO of Insurance. “Let’s try to make some stuff happen.”

For Dr Louise Newson — GP, menopause specialist and author of a bestselling book on the topic — purpose is clear. She’s on a mission to help women understand the menopause. So when Magnetic helped develop the hugely successful Balance app, this sense of mission is what drove the project forward.

A clear purpose inspires, connects and empowers employees, gives them something exciting and motivating to stand behind, and enables them to feel valued.

It unlocks better performance and collaboration, as they come together behind a common goal. Purpose is the guiding light in navigating the complex world we’re in, where strategy is constantly changing and few decisions are definitely right or wrong.

Take a look at article 1 — Hybrid working that really works and a shared company story that makes sense and article 2 — Autonomous teams and serendipitous workplace

This is an excerpt from our latest book Now for the tricky bit; it’s all about building stronger, happier businesses with purpose. Click here to request your copy now!

Magnetic is a design and innovation company that helps design better futures. We’ve worked with global businesses to build capabilities, products, services and transform organisations. To find out more, get in touch:

