Motivations and Not-so-Guilty Pleasures

Jassi Porteous
Magnetic Notes


Week 3 from The Great Work from Home Experiment

It’s week 3 of our GWFH experiment and we’re seeing some interesting shifts in behaviour and habits from our WFHers. We’re also seeing people, businesses and the world pivot and change; we all rejoiced at Capt. Tom Moore, a 99 year old war veteran, who raised over £23m for the NHS, we’ve seen businesses pivot their offerings to support the national health crisis, and we’ve been exploring how the nation is coping with remote working. Here’s an overview…

Post-lockdown we will shift to WFH. This week, a whopping 60% of people are more (or just as) motivated working from home as they are working in their offices. It’s obvious that post Covid businesses and their employees will be better set up for remote working, and we’re likely to see this becoming the norm or at least more accepted in most businesses. Long term — this could be a shift to local living and a win for local businesses and the high street, as people want to stay local and invest in the local economy.

Our motivation levels.

More than half WFH-ers prefer remote working. Not having to travel to work is helping some folks improve their sleep patterns and create space to be more reflective and proactive. But a lot of us are missing people; with over a third of WFHers reporting that not being around others seems to be negatively affecting their energy levels; leaving them feeling sluggish, tired and low. Here’s a tip from one of our participants:

When we’re used to working in a team and left feeling less connected since working from home, try an ambient call with your work buddy. You’re both plugged into the call (phone or zoom), but you can crack on with your work, and just ‘be’ there for one another. It’s (almost) like working next to each other in the office, and feels very comforting to have someone there!

We’re sleeping more!

We’re sleeping more. Well over half of our WFHers say they are waking up later than they usually would. When it comes to bed time, we’re either keeping the same routine or we’re off to dreamland sooner. We all know the positive effects more sleep can have on us, our mood, our mental health and our productivity — surely the benefits are a win-win for everyone.

Our guilty pleasures — can you spot yours?

“I don’t feel guilty about pleasure”. No, and why should you? Our guilty pleasures are what’s getting us through, here’s how our WFHers are unwinding;

“Doing some mixing on the decks and taking the canoe out to escape, and smashing miles on the bike.”

“Nerding out/living vicariously via some Assassin’s Creed in Ancient Greece”

“Queer Eye before bed is a nice positive uplifting end to the day”

“Home baked treats — I’ve made cookies at the weekend and then had them with tea at 5ish every day! This motivates me for a workout after work too…”

“Crazy dancing in the kitchen with the kids ;)”

Check out the rounds ups from Week 1 and Week 2. We’re excited to see what other rich insights the experiment will bring — stay tuned by following Fluxx on LinkedIn or WTF Newsletter, and we’ll update you as we go. Are you curious as to how Fluxx has helped companies such as Condé Nast, Thames Water, News UK, More Than and many more? Learn the secrets for sustained, repeatable innovation models from expert practitioners in our 2 week Innovation Starter Kit. Get in touch with

