Sustainable by design: educating a path to a brighter future

Gemma Slater
Magnetic Notes
Published in
4 min readMay 6, 2024

The solutions to the world’s most significant challenges don’t just lie in the laboratories of research institutions and the boardrooms of corporations but also in the hearts and minds of our children. By equipping the next generation with creative problem-solving and empathy tools, we’re not just preparing them for the future but shaping it.

Magnetic CEO Jenny Burns was recently invited to the Lord Mayor’s Coffee Colloquy. This is a series of in-person events held at Mansion House that promote connections to help address the leading issues of the day.

This event focussed on ‘How can we educate for a sustainable future?’. A topic close to her heart, Jenny shared essential reminders for the business community on redefining education and empowering the next generation. Here are the top snippets from the conversation:

  • Innovation is the driving force. Innovation fuels progress, propelling us forward in various domains, from technology and science to business and social development. The marriage of innovative problem-solving and creativity is a potent combination that sparks new ideas, revolutionises industries, and paves the way for positive change.
  • These skills aren’t taught in schools. Yet, they are the lifeblood of innovation and growth. In recent independent research, over 60% of C-suite leaders say they need them in their businesses, but over 80% say they have a shortage. The UK government has committed to investing 20 billion pounds annually in R&D, yet less than one-third of this is set aside for education and building skills.
  • Imagine the change we need. In the UK, we have some of the best scientific minds, universities and research institutions globally, and we’re getting better at supporting startups. But we still need to fuel the imaginations of the young so they’re geared up to solve the challenges created by past generations. Breaking down the rigidity of the current curriculum and standardised learning will make way for new types of learning, encouraging those creative, problem-solving brains.

Often, SME founders move into the entrepreneurial space straight from education without having the core skills they need to grow and scale their business. The right skills are needed in order to continue to help support startups:

Case study: coaching hundreds of ambitious SMEs in strategic design. Innovate UK Business Growth helps thousands of ambitious SMEs accelerate their growth every year by supporting them with strategy and resources. But many businesses overlook the need for design or don’t understand its value. We were asked to inspire founders and leaders about how people-centred design can impact their growth and profitability. Find out more about Design for Growth, a national design coaching service we developed.

  • Invest in our future with the right skills. Integrating creative problem-solving and empathy into early education curriculums is fundamental for nurturing well-rounded individuals who can navigate the complexities of the modern world. By introducing these skills early, children develop the ability to think critically, find innovative solutions to challenges, and cultivate a deep understanding and consideration for others’ perspectives and feelings.
  • Hands-on learning is key. Not constrained to the classroom, we’ve developed a series of hands-on, experiential learning activities that encourage exploration, experimentation, and outside-the-box thinking. These activities include group projects, design challenges, and open-ended problem-solving tasks that prompt students to brainstorm ideas, collaborate with peers, and adapt their approaches based on feedback and reflection.
  • Storytelling to cultivate empathy outside the classroom. Similarly, intentional practices promoting social and emotional learning can cultivate empathy in and outside the classroom. Educators can incorporate storytelling, role-playing, and cooperative games, encouraging students to step into others’ shoes, recognise different perspectives, and express empathy towards their peers.

Through creative problem-solving and empathy-building activities, early education curricula can empower compassion, innovation, and socially responsible individuals who are equipped to tackle future challenges.

Case study: helping to inspire young minds. In partnership with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), we helped design and prototype a forward-thinking Technical Education Pathway platform. The platform is designed for students to cut through complex Technical Education pathways, making it easy to search for courses that promote creativity and problem-solving skills. These are skills required to meet future educational needs and inspire and equip young learners to address future challenges creatively and sustainably.

If you’d like to know more, get in touch with Jenny:

Jenny is CEO at Magnetic — a design and innovation company that helps design better futures. We’ve worked with global businesses, government organisations and fast growing start-ups to build capabilities, products, services and transform organisations. To find out more get in touch:

