How to deploy Drone CI to Kubernetes

Fabiano B.
magnetis backstage
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2017


UPDATE: After Iwrote this post, a helm chart was created to make it easier to install Drone, you can check it out here.

Drone is an awesome open source CI written in Golang.

You can install it using docker compose following the official docs. But since I am in love with Kubernetes, I wanted to deploy with it to also benefit from self healing and k8s awesomeness.

Create a Github OAuth application

I will assume that you will want to use Github for authentication of your Drone instance. So let’s go ahead and configure it:

  • go to your Github account
  • click on your profile icon and choose Settings
  • select OAuth apps on the menu of the left (same thing for organizations, but inside the organization profile)
  • click the button to new a new app
  • fill in the fields with the url you want
  • for the last field add a /authorize in the end of the url
  • get the client and secret generated

The Server

