Change is Inevitable

Going with the Flow of Life

Teresa Proctor
Magnificent You!


Change is constant, change is certain, change can also be unpredictable. The world is forever rearranging itself around us. In physicality, there is nothing permanent except for change. Today is never completely the same as yesterday. “You cannot step into the same river twice,” said Heraclitus, the Creek philosopher. Why, because by the time you take your foot out and put it back in again, it is all new water. Hence, our task is to be both present to what is now and available to what may come.

A deep acceptance of the temporary nature of this world offers a powerful way to live. When we accept the essential truth that nothing physical lasts forever, including jobs, companies, relationships, marriages, good times, and difficult times, we can operate at a higher awareness. When we stop trying to make impermanent things last forever, we can truly appreciate our jobs now, our relationships now, our life now. And when we realize that change is only painful when we resist, we can begin to cooperate with change. We can succeed better when we accept that the path of our live, our happiness is permanently under construction.

Cultivating a deep appreciation for what is timeless is also necessary for success. The ability to discern between the transitory and the real, is the true challenge. You are being asked to dig deep inside yourself and to discover the changeless about your work and what is eternal in your relationships. “Go to your bosom: knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know,” wrote Shakespeare in Measure for Measure (Act 11, Scene ii). The hearts know something about the eternal qualities of life, It is the seat of wisdom, and it can see further than the naked eye.

When I want my clients to get to the heart of success I always ask them, “If the picture of your life changed completely tomorrow, what would still be the same for you?” A person can only answer this question of he or she speaks from the heart. Inevitably people speak about inner values, about character goals, about the spiritual and about love. Whenever we make space to examine the eternal aspects of life, we bring a touch of heaven to this ever changing world.

I am reminder of a story I once heard regarding Albert Einstein, it goes something like this; Einstein was giving an exam to his university students. When a teaching assistance rushed in needing to talk with Albert Einstein immediately. The conversation went something like this, “Dr. Einstein, sir, there has been a terrible mistake. This test is exactly the same as last year’s exam. All of the question are the same!” Albert Einstein smiled. “Don’t worry,” he said the correct answers are all different.” Change is Inevitable.

Just a Thought

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Teresa Proctor
Magnificent You!

Life is Full of opportunities to live in Happiness, Soul Joy 24/7. Teresa is an ordinary woman living an extraordinary life. Ambassador to Happiness.