Empty Your Bowl

 Stand in Your Magnificence!

Teresa Proctor
Magnificent You!


Dalai Lama’s person physician, was asked what he considered to be the key to health and happiness. He replied, ‘empty your bowl of yesterday’s rice.” (your past) specifically your old disappointment grievance and wounds.

People hold their past against themselves, cruelty, replaying, mistakes, failures, heart aches, errors, and moments of weakness.

If when you are in fear or pain, you can have the presence to say “this is about the past”. You immediately create an opening in your mind for healing, inspiration, forgiveness and something new. You miss new possibilities, new gifts, and new adventures. Now is always a good time to forgive, to let go and say “Yes” to life again. Let go of the past, step into greater freedom and greater creativity.

Your post is never held against you unless you make it so. Guilt is a choice and so is forgiveness. When you choose guilt you bury gifts, you live in fear and everyone misses what you could offer. When you choose forgiveness, everyone can win.

When you struggle ask yourself;

  1. What am I holding on to from the past?
  2. What old thought, old block or old fear are you still clinging to?

The world has finished with the past, if you have. The moment you let go of your past, you stop projecting it on the present. If you are ready to release the past and need a little help contact me Now.



Teresa Proctor
Magnificent You!

Life is Full of opportunities to live in Happiness, Soul Joy 24/7. Teresa is an ordinary woman living an extraordinary life. Ambassador to Happiness.