Happiness and Success

Realizing Your True Gift

Teresa Proctor
Magnificent You!


One of the chief functions of my work is to help people be more aware of their true potential. Realizing our potential, an using it in intelligent ways, is our purpose and our salvation. It is the key to success and happiness, for in ourselves are triumph and defeat.

The latin work intelligens, meaning, “choosing among.” is the ability to keep choosing the potential you most want to foster. Smart Success begin with an awareness of and respect for the vast unlimited potential within us all.

In the Ridiculous Busyness of the world we now live and work in, we rarely have time to go deep. Most of the time we are too hyper, too busy, and to crazed to really get know ourselves. Occasionally, we may enjoy a brief fleeting awareness of our true talent, but these experience are not our norm.

Mostly we get by and make do with the little we know about ourselves, and rarely do we ever dip our toes into the deep pool of vision, creatively, and beauty that exist inside us. For me, this is exactly how I lived my life, only dipping my toes into the water. After 23 years of being too busy to know who I was, I began to truly look at myself. Guess what, I didn’t like what I saw. I only knew two things about myself, I had always had vivid dreams at night and that I like color and I needed color in my life. That is it, yes, I was a Mother, but that wasn’t my defining factor. I began setting aside time everyday to make myself a priority. First and foremost I was a soul, having a human experience. I got this concept pretty quickly, and yet I had no idea what the words really meant. So this is where I began my journey, with lots of help from various people in various positions along the way.

I learned to take what worked for me and let the rest go.

I learned to get curious about me.

I learned to value my past and to accept the opportunities I have been given.

I slowly began to embrace my power, my true self, my dreams, and stop living someone else’s dreams. I accepted that it was my turn to create my our dreams and to truly see myself for the magnificence woman I am. To embrace my gifts and accept my self, sounds easy right, but it is so easy to get distracted by busyness. I am not unique. I am only now beginning to accept my unconditioned self, which is pure love. To understand that God is love and Love is God, which overwhelms me, in just expressing my truth. Every single person that has been a part of my life; has help me to embrace love from different directions. All have lead me into a deeper love for myself, which in turn allows me to share this love with you. I have learned many things about myself and the outside world. One of the biggest, learning experience was; when I put myself back together, the world came together also.

The next thing I learned was to create a vision,

discover a purpose

live a successful life.

After all, I can only share what is over flowing abundance, when I truly embrace love and happiness. “Being a busy bee,” is not connection, it accomplishes nothing, and most importantly it is a great distraction from what is truly important to my happiness and success. Which is seeing myself as a whole human being. I have learned to be present in my own life and nourish my “Golden Seed” within.

Every successful person has been helped by someone who believed in his or her potential. We all need mentors, a coach, and friends to help us cultivate the “Golden Seed.” which is our true potential and divine natural ability.



“There is no record in human history of a happy philosopher,” wrote the humorist M.I. Mencken.

Here are two different articles, from two different points of view, you might be interested.





Teresa Proctor
Magnificent You!

Life is Full of opportunities to live in Happiness, Soul Joy 24/7. Teresa is an ordinary woman living an extraordinary life. Ambassador to Happiness.