Let Love Begin With You

Dedicate Your Life to Love

Teresa Proctor
Magnificent You!


Since we are still in the month of February, I thought I would continue the theme of Love. Love is your best bet for happiness, after all.

By dedicating your life to love, you’re attempting to change your mind about yourself. In truth, you’re full of love, yet you’ve learned to believe that there’s little or no love within you. The moment you scared yourself into thinking that love was outside you and not within was the moment the ego made love special, limited, scarce, weak, rare, and above all elusive.

If you are being true to love is; if you’re being genuinely loving, you’ll feel happy.

If you are not happy, you know that you are not being loving.

The whole truth must be that love is your only bet for happiness. Happiness cannot ever happen without love.

You are never full of love. Your unconditioned self is always loving, unlike your ego, which has learned to always be afraid. Love is natural to you, just as happiness is. Love is never destroyed it is only eclipsed.

Love is the essence of your unconditioned self and love doesn’t leave it’s source. Love never leaves you.

So how do you recognize if you are coming from love or your learned self (ego self)? The best way is to listen to your language, in particular the words you use.

Loving Unconditional Self Conditioned Self (ego self)


Oneness——- ——-Separation

Love——————- Fear

Joy———————- Pleasure/pain

Knowing —————Searching

Trust——————— Doubt

Abundance————- Lack

Acceptance————- Judgment

Free———————- Defensive

Infinite—————— Small

Eternal—————— Temporary

Without self-acceptance truly loving relations are impossible. Peace, joy and union with others happen only as you heal the conflict in your own mind. Self-acceptance is essential, for any relationship. The greatest contribution you can make to any relationship is to love and accept yourself.

For as long as you believe deep down you are unworthy of love and not good enough, all of your loving relationships will eventually deteriorate into a fearful contract of needs.

As your belief in your wholeness strengthens so to will your experience of whole, healthy, loving relationships strengthen.  In other words, by giving up guilt, you make yourself more available to love.

Law of Projection says…. What you believe about yourself, you will project onto your relationships.

Loving relationships are born of self-acceptance, here are three affirmations, prayers, mantras, etc… you can use to help you on your journey of loving and self-acceptance.

1. Accept that I have love to give.

2. Accept the love of other’s

3. I Accept that love lives within




Teresa Proctor
Magnificent You!

Life is Full of opportunities to live in Happiness, Soul Joy 24/7. Teresa is an ordinary woman living an extraordinary life. Ambassador to Happiness.