Stepping Out of the Your Box

Becoming Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Teresa Proctor
Magnificent You!


Imagine what your life could really be like if you let go of fear, separation, ego, limits, conditions, rules, laws, reasons, must’s, ought’s, should’s and everything else. This might be frightening at first, but if you stick with it you will eventually rediscover your unconditioned self.

Every single person is living in a box. The box is a symbol for your ego. It represents your conditioning, old thinking, learned self-doubts, self imposed limits and imagined thresholds of success, happiness and love. Life is about falling into the box and finding your way out again. The box is what is familiar to you. It is life as you define it.

Your unconditional self is a world full of new stories and new possibilities. Here is when you remember boundless bliss, ecstatic creativity, immeasurable peace and joy unlimited. To step out of the box, you have to be willing to drop the past, laugh out loud, let go of old wounds, unlearn your beliefs, look with new eyes and try something new.

Are you ready to step out of the box?
Are you ready to be free again?

To venture beyond the box takes nothing special other than courage and willingness. To step out of the box you have to question what you have taught yourself about life. A good question to ask yourself is what is my truth? What feels real? For instance, what is your philosophy about happiness? What “laws” have you decreed about money and abundance? What self limits do you observer for success? What is your reality? I “give up,” is a good place to be when you are willing to let go of what is not working for you.

I know right now you are saying to yourself, “Yeah but,” you try to say “yes,” but ultimately you never get past, “no,” “can’t,” “but,” “what if,” “not now,” and “shouldn’t” Courage and willingness will get you out of your box. I know this to be true, because I spent many years in that small box, so I am speaking from experience, not theory. I’ve been there, I am you, until I gave up the struggle, let go and began to see myself as perfectly beautiful. The need to share my story has became a driving force of love, which I could no longer ignore.

In truth, there is no box, no limits.

If you need help getting out of your box contact me now



Teresa Proctor
Magnificent You!

Life is Full of opportunities to live in Happiness, Soul Joy 24/7. Teresa is an ordinary woman living an extraordinary life. Ambassador to Happiness.