What does Success Look Like?

Balancing Work, Life and Happiness

Teresa Proctor
Magnificent You!


Stop Juggling and Start Living


What is your definition of success?

To be successful in your work and life, you must be clear about what success is. Clarify your values and goals, and understand that success is not about hard work and no play.

Understanding Success:

To create a balance between the demands of your work and your life, you need to examine what success means to you. Start by clarify your values, purpose, roles, and attitudes so that you have something to measure your achievements against.

Defining Success:

People often work hard to gain “success” without knowing what success really means. You may climb the career ladder, but are you fulfilled by your work? Do you have a good home life? We receive different messages about success — through the media, and family, and our culture. But ultimately success comes from leading a fulfilled and balances life. Begin to balance your work and life more effectively.

Recognizing Success

A success person has a clear definition of success. This manage enjoys her job, but leaves the office on time so she can spend time with her family.

Achieving A Balanced Life

Develop criteria for success so that you can focus on your priorities. For a strategy to help you stay on track and focus on synergy so that you have the necessary support to achieve success.

Clarify Values

To define success, start by clarifying your values. Schedule time alone and think about what is most important to you. What kind of partner and parent do you want to be? What kind of son or daughter? What difference would you like to make in people’s lives? Put your values at the center of your life so that you can retain greater balance, vision and happiness in every area of your life.

Focusing on Values

Think about the relationship you have with others and what you most value about them. Decide on the characteristics that you value in yourself.

Aiming for Success

The “S 3” formula will help you consider the key factors in a work-life balance. The first “S” stand for “Success” — begin to form criteria of what success means to you. The second “S” stand for Strategy — start to form a workable plan to achieve a balance between work and life. The third “S” denotes “Synergy” — make sure you focus on relationships and creative cooperation with those around you. Aim to be a team player and a good communicator.

  1. Think about what success means to you — be honest with yourself.
  2. Set time aside everyday to focus on your values, and ensure that you remain true to them.

Just a thought.





Teresa Proctor
Magnificent You!

Life is Full of opportunities to live in Happiness, Soul Joy 24/7. Teresa is an ordinary woman living an extraordinary life. Ambassador to Happiness.