Ideas and Thoughts about Websites & Online Portfolios

Published in
4 min readNov 29, 2017

by Magoz

This post originally appeared on my Blog.
You can find more illustrations, animations, and articles on my
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During the last few months, I’ve been thinking about and studying the role of websites for illustrators, artists and other creatives. Last week I launched my new website introducing several changes and polishing the general appearance.

I would like to share with you some thoughts behind the redesign. It might be useful for you if you are considering creating a new website or updating one.

Some Basics Before Starting

  • Simplicity

The days of complex and overloaded portfolios are gone. Make your website as simple as possible. Remove everything that doesn’t add value to your portfolio.

  • Usability

Make your website easy to navigate and make the different sections clear: About, Portfolio, Shop, etc.

  • Quality is better than quantity

Publish only the best works you have and make sure they create a solid and coherent portfolio. Your clients want to have a clear idea of what kind of work you develop. Don’t confuse them with different styles and divergent projects.

  • Keep it updated

Add new images to your portfolio every few months (ideally, monthly). It gives the impression that you are active. If you have a blog and you never update it, remove the link from your portfolio.

  • “About me” page

Take plenty of time to plan and write the “about me” section. It’s very important since it’s the reflection of your work and personality. Besides including the necessary information like your contact information, this page tells a lot about you. Are you talkative? Frugal? Funny? Serious? Do you have a story to tell? While you must maintain your professionalism, you can add some bits of personal information while taking care with what you say and how you say it.

Thoughts on How People Use Websites Today

  • People spend less time on the site than years ago. The bounce rate (the percentage of visitors who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page) is higher than ever.
  • Most people use the home page to have a general impression of you and your work. Most people don’t click on any projects.
  • People like an email subscription to receive updates.
  • People enjoy small details such as animations and shortcuts.
  • People leave websites that are slow or complicated to navigate.
  • The number of users that access the website from smartphones and tablets is increasing. But, it isn’t yet comparable to the desktop users.
  • A solid and unique portfolio can create the perception that your work is stronger. A bad one can make your work seem weaker.

Changes I Applied to my Website

  • Home slider

I’ve added a slider featuring my shop, articles from the blog, and a subscription form. It’s a great space where people can sign up for my email list. I can also announce new products, articles, or whatever I want to make visible for my visitors.

  • Homepage

Now my home page features bigger images, and the thumbnails maintain the proportions of the original images. You can discover all my work from the home page without any clicking, just scrolling.

  • Single project page

I’ve added a full color background to the single project page. As my illustrations are focused on a conceptual idea and most of them have a flat color background, the full color background gives my images a bigger impact. The header is hidden by default, so it gives more space and focus to the images.

  • About me

I’ve added an introduction to the about me page that contains the most relevant information. You can scroll down and access more information like my bio, client list, or awards.

  • Mobile versions

My web is fully responsive for small desktop screens, tablets, and other mobile devices. I’ve added a fixed bottom menu simulating a smartphone app, where you can have a clear idea of the different parts of my website. I’ve also maintained the burger menu to access the different categories of the portfolio, blog and shop.

  • Details

There are hundreds of small details and animations you can discover while you navigate the site. For instance, you can browse through single project pages with the keyboard arrows, the header hides when you scroll down (and appears again when you scroll up), and animations appear when you place your cursor on top of my icon in the header. You can discover more details just playing with the website.


Every year the Internet evolves and the way we use it changes too.

Our websites should evolve as well to adapt to new ways of interaction.

A professional website is the foundation for any illustrator, designer or artist who wants to be professional. It’s the way to show clients and followers the work you develop, gives them a way to contact you, and shows your personality. Having an updated website is a must.

Do you have any other thoughts about portfolios? As always I would love to know your ideas in the comments!

This post originally appeared on my Blog.
You can find more illustrations, animations, and articles on my
Follow me on
Instagram and Twitter.



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Nomadic illustrator. Thinker. Seeker. Conceptual illustrations and animations. Download my toolkit. Tools and resources I use every day: