From Idea To The Product: The Magure Way

prakash jeswani
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2020
From Idea To Product- The Magure Way

You may have a brilliant innovative idea that could make an impact on the lives of people. But turning the idea into a product used by many is not a piece of cake. Your idea needs an ideal plan, a clear path, and must be shaped and nourished to bear fruit. Here is how Magure can help you in bringing your innovative idea to life.

  • Create A Plan
  • Market Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Create Wireframe
  • Get It Designed
  • Get It Developed
  • Launch The App

Create A Plan

The primary step is to create a plan. You may have a basic idea, but for it to come to life, you need a proper plan. You need to list down the features, the USP, and other requirements. Without a proper plan, an app idea is bound to fail.

Market Research

You need proper market research on who your target customers are, the demographics, what are their interests, how you can strike a chord with them, etc. You should be able to serve your target customers. Hence, a market study is vital.

Competitor Analysis

Your idea may be great, but there are bound to be other companies with similar ideas. You must be able to know what they are into, how you can be different from them, what makes you unique, etc. Most companies tend to fail due to improper competitor analysis.

Create A Wireframe

A wireframe is a schematic diagram or a blueprint of a web or mobile app. A wireframe represents the skeletal framework of the app, the buttons, pages, and how the navigation inside the app takes place. Developing a wireframe is important as it showcases how an app will look and function.


The designer now designs the app. Your idea is now given a visual appearance with color, images, themes, and fonts. The design phase gives a near-complete idea of how your app works and performs


Once your web or mobile app is designed, it’s time to give it features to perform. Our developers bring your app to the functionality it requires. The app is frequently tested while in this phase to ensure that it’s error-free.


Hurray! Your app is now live. Once your app is tested to be free of errors, now it’s the time to launch it. We also ensure that your app is frequently updated to stay fresh.

A Few Success Stories


Nutrift, a Los Angels based healthcare company, provides personalized diet planner services. They analyze your body, understand your expectations, and creates a diet plan accordingly. They even get you cooked diet delivered to your doorsteps. Magure partnered with the Nutrifit team to customized technology services which included VueJS, DotNet Core, DotNet Framework, C#, MS SQL, Azure, Jira andAzureDevOps, to meet their unique requirements.


Mokriya Inc is a user-centric design and development company that is based in the USA and is trusted by the world’s leading businesses like AT&T, Twitter, Salesforce, Intel, Google, Verizon, and many others. Our technology team ​collaborated with the team at Mokriya, who were seeking backend support, to successfully deploy the platform within a short span. The challenge was to make a highly scalable platform that can be used as a service and ported into various modules. The platform which is built using Django, Python, Postgres, REST APIs, Ansible is now successfully deployed and is being used by millions.


Kindpoints app, a Los Angeles based company, is a kindness tracker that lets you share your efforts of kindness within the social feed in the app. You can organize charity events, add or follow your friends in the mobile or web app. You can set goals and share your kindness with the community. The team at Magure used tools and technologies like React Native, Facebook SDK, Twitter SDK, Node JS, Express, Docker, Rancher, and AWS to undertake to develop, testing, deploying, and maintaining the whole social media platform.

IVY Incubator

IVY Incubator is a Los Angeles based company that leverages emerging technologies to create long-impact having products. The goal of IVY is to create services and products that are ahead of the current marketplace. Magure acts as a tech partner in giving end-to-end services which include strategizing and development. Magure has delivered multiple apps to IVY making use of technologies like Android App, Android Studio, Java, Kotlin, NodeJS, Express, Rancher, Docker, AWS, and GCP.

We are a team of seasoned developers, and we constantly strive towards building apps that meet your requirements. For enquires reach out to us @

