Quantum Computing: The Future Of Computers

prakash jeswani
Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2020
Quantum Computing

The concept and origins of quantum computing date back to 1981 when renowned physicist Richard Feynman asked in a conference happening at Massachusetts Institute of Tech­nology conference whether they could simulate physics on a computer. This made way to modern-day quantum computing.

According to Moore’s law, the size of a transistor cannot be smaller than 7nm, which is equal to the size of a silicon atom. Modern-day transistors have now hit the mark, which is set by ‘quantum tunneling’. Here, quantum physics may define a future limit to the ever-increasing computing power.

While quantum computing is not totally based on physics, it does work on the principles of quantum mechanics. Quantum computing uses two properties called superposition and entanglement.

What Makes Quantum Computing Unique

The conventional computer systems are designed and built around the idea of binary bits and boolean logic, which are represented as a switch with a value of 0 (off) or 1 (on). When these switches are connected using logic gates, they perform all the complex operations of a modern microprocessor. In contrast, quantum computer use qubits (quantum bits), which can be in both states at the same time via a property called superposition. Besides, qubits are also capable of pairing, which is known as entanglement and the state of a qubit cannot be described independently of the state of the others that allows instantaneous communication.

Tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and IBM are investing in a working, practically useful quantum computer. Recently, Google had announced its quantum computer to be 100 million times faster than any conventional computer available. Big players from various industries have invested in making use of quantum computing for their businesses.

Quantum Computer vs. Conventional Computer

Quantum computers have four fundamental capabilities that make them different from the conventional computers of today. The first one is a quantum simulation, which means that quantum computers models complex molecules. The next one is optimization, which helps in solving multivariable problems with great speed. The next one is quantum artificial intelligence, which provides better algorithms that could transform machine learning across industries like pharmaceutical or automobile. The last one is prime factorization, which could revolutionize encryption and increase security.

What Magure Is Doing?

Our team at Magure understands the limitless possibilities of quantum computing and how it can be used in various industries in the future. Our thorough understanding of the opportunities and advantages of quantum computing and the future it holds has led us to explore the technology more. We have invested our hands in working on IBM qiskit quantum system and earning expertise in the technology. Our team has worked on quantum computing and developed various algorithms. Quantum computing is the future of computing. Get hold of the endless possibilities this technology holds to stay ahead in the race. Say Hi! To know more.

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