Building Minds Beyond Classroom: Jasmine’s Coaching Center Is On The Rise, Sees 30% Income Growth with Mahila Money Loan

Mahila Money
Mahila Money
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2024

In the bustling streets of Kolkata, Jasmine, a 38-year-old teacher, is shaping young minds. Her story reveals the transformative power of financial support on her entrepreneurial journey.

Nothing stops teachers from ensuring that their students learn from the best mistakes and success stories. In an age where attention span is a major concern, Jasmine Murshed Khan is winning over her students by keeping things simple but enjoyable.

A dedicated teacher in a private school, Jasmine dreamed of creating a space beyond traditional classrooms. She took a bold leap, narrating, “I yearned to inspire outside textbooks, and Mahila Money became my bridge to turn this dream into a reality.”

The Mahila Money loan facilitated the purchase of essential furniture for her coaching centre, laying the foundation for a conducive learning environment. Reflecting on the impact, she remarks,

“The first loan of INR 50K catalysed a growth spurt. With this financial boost, I transformed my home into a learning hub. My income increased by 25% to 30%, turning my entrepreneurial venture into a true success story.”

Jasmine’s journey with Mahila Money reflects a harmonious partnership beyond financial transactions.

Through her two loans from Mahila Money, she initially availed INR 50K for 18 months, followed by another loan of 19K for the same duration. These financial resources are becoming stepping stones for her business growth, enabling her to enhance the quality of education and reach more aspiring students.

What sets Mahila Money apart in Jasmine’s eyes is not just the financial support but the comprehensive guidance it provides. “For me, Mahila Money is a platform where dreams can transform into reality without the burden of traditional constraints,” Jasmine mentions.

Jasmine’s success radiates beyond the walls of her coaching centre, impacting the community around her.

The students who pass through her classes carry the torch of knowledge, lighting up the path to a brighter future. It’s not just about academic lessons but the invaluable life lessons that she imparts, fostering a generation of empowered individuals.

Mahila Money, in Jasmine’s narrative, is more than a financial institution — she says, “Mahila Money became a supporter of my dreams, building my future. It stands as an unspoken partner in my business story.”

If you are a #JiyoApneDumPe woman entrepreneur who wants to take your business to new heights and needs working capital and entrepreneurship resources, speak to us on Mahila Money. Apply for a loan of up to 25 lakhs to fuel your business growth by downloading the Mahila Money App or visiting our website

