Mohitha B G
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2018

Intrigued? Amused? Well, I had that feeling of amusement too!
I don’t know how weird but intriguing titles hit my head once in a while. If that could catch your attention and you’ve reached the third line of my content, why not! Right? This is exactly what we’ll talk about in the rest of this article. How to keep our readers stuck to the content we write.

One fine day, not so long ago, I decided I should put on my thinking cap and write about things that I would want people to know through my point of view. Good question. Why would anybody even want to read what I write? Let’s be a tad bit optimistic instead and think why wouldn’t they? They definitely would, if I cut this mystery, beating around the bush kind of tone and be crisp and to the point. ( Ouch! :P )

So the first and the most important thing is to make sure our content is designed for the laziest person on Earth. It should be in short paragraphs and visually appealing; like a kindergarten textbook! We can use a lot of HTML and CSS to make our content look presentable.

Sometimes, we tend to use unnecessary GRE words instead of simple “carewords” in our content which makes our reader get detached from the word flow. There’s no harm in teaching new words to our readers but it shouldn’t go overboard.


It is interesting to note that there are different types of content writing such as website content writing, SEO content writing, article writing and blog writing. An argument could arise that there are many other forms apart from these, but they are mainly a subset of these four categories.

Website content writing doesn’t have a lot of limitations and could be casual. The writer could just use simple English to convey and properly comprehend the sole purpose for which the website is built. Appropriate formatting could be used to differentiate between various parts of the information within the website.

SEO content writing deals with marketing and sales of products or promotion of businesses. The crucial part of this type of writing is to create engaging content while giving a brief vision and motto of the organization as well as topping the search engine results through keywords used in the content. Visual aesthetics and use of keywords play a major role in this type of writing.

Venn diagram showing categorization of content writing

Another type of content writing that most of us are well acquainted with is article writing. The genres of writing could be different, such as academic oriented writing, technical writing, journalistic or press release type of writing et cetera; but the tone of writing is the same — precise, sharp, and in depth.
Blog writing is not very different from article writing but I would say that blogging is associated with us on a personal level. This is because we’re open to sharing our opinions and add our pointers in this case. It may or may not be based on research and planning but the significant difference lies in the fact that you’re your own editor and you self-publish it.

Over the years the thin line seems to have slowly disappeared.

It is always a good idea to write about anything that we like in the initial phase and slowly find a niche writing skill for ourselves. It’s just like programming, we have to keep updating ourselves with new languages such as Go, but also have expertise in Java. ( Yes, I had to say this :P )
Irrespective of the kind of content writing, it is feasible to create a rough outline about what we’d want to write and even ask the clients to answer a customized questionnaire which we can keep in handy while writing for websites or SEO based writing.

I would like to emphasize on the importance of pictures, time and again, because pictures and interesting infographics keep our readers enticed. One of my mentors even explained the significance of using at least 5 related tags that could fetch views for our work and help in recognition.
We must always prioritize the pointers we wish to use in our content and the priority should be untampered even in the final draft. This is to make sure that even the readers who just glance through our content get benefitted and get back to us over time.

We should even make sure that we do a lot of edits to our content like it’s always our first time. This would help in retaining quality and avoid redundancy in our content. Time management is also one of the important considerations for a content writer. Writing might not be time framed in the beginning but we tend to learn from practice 😊
I would love to mention a few tools that could come in handy while writing and also share how I first started off with writing, but it’s FRIDAY!

Until next time! 😊

Note from the Publication: At maice, we are creating a marketing platform that prepares writers for the future of content marketing. Head on to our website or register here to get first crack at the platform. Follow us on LinkedIn here. Want your story to be featured? Send us an email to Interested in writing for our publication? Click here to submit your details and you will be added. We reward good stories too.



Mohitha B G
Writer for

An application developer and analyst by profession, writer by passion who's a kid at heart!