Trapped within your circumstances? How to get over this abysmal feeling?

Ashutosh Gupta
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2018

Just when we think we are out, the mysteries of life pull us back in.

We all face circumstances of every possible shade, thanks to the longevity of life. At times we are troubled by the sheer intensity and hostility of our circumstances. At times our circumstances are laden with monotony, that wear us down and make us go into a shell.

In the former scenario, we lose the power of our existence. In the latter scenario, our freedom to make a choice is taken away from us. The end result is a feeling of despair. This trap is for real, and we can only escape it by changing the narrative of our lives.

Following are the three steps which you must take, to get back to your inspired ways:

1. Surrender Yourself

Most of us fail to understand what pain really is. More you try to resist pain more persistent it becomes. So, the first step is to surrender yourself to the discomforting circumstances. Wait patiently till the feeling of despair goes away, and it will. Gradually your despair will be replaced by anger and frustration. You might feel that your situation has worsened but that’s never the case, for anger is a healthier emotion than despair.

Despair is an utter abyss, a state of total inaction. On the other hand, anger evokes a will to take back what’s yours, and in this case, it’s your freedom of making a choice. So, your anger is the sign of you being in the right direction.

Once you put your first step towards this direction, you then need to keep inspiring yourself to reach a state of emotional balance or neutrality. A walk into the diversity and wilderness of nature is a good beginning. Try to be around children more often, for that is the only space where your language and emotions never betray each other. Otherwise, both are destructed by their unfulfilled desire for each other, leading to all kinds of inner imbalances.

2. Be the hero of your story

To grasp the power of your existence again, get rid of self-pity because it’s a celebration of hopelessness. See yourself as the hero of your story and wait for exciting things to unfold.

The phrase ‘I don’t want to be here’ is a dreaded, and you need to stop saying it. That said, you shouldn’t say, ‘I love being here’ either because then you will be dishonest to yourself. It’s more about positioning yourself at the center of the spectrum and organically reaching a conclusion. This will also make you a better decision maker.

The sense of power can also come from the sense of purpose. Doing charitable work triggers the latter sense in many of us.

3. Feel Powerful, Yet Again

How you juggle with your thoughts is the key here. After all, it’s your thoughts that lead you to varied perspectives, some of which might be optimistic ones.

You must learn to let go some of your thoughts. It should be okay for you if a thought of yours becomes irrelevant after a while. This way you can focus more on productive thoughts, and in turn on fruitful perspectives.

Life is like a river, changing its course every once in a while, and you should envisage her like that. By doing so, you will start believing in surprises and the joy they carry. You will start embracing the eventfulness and the erratic nature of life. Eventually, you won’t feel empty anymore and will look forward to things that are in store, irrespective of the circumstances you are in.

This is how you can get back the freedom and the power of your existence. This is how you can dismantle the trap of your circumstances.

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Ashutosh Gupta
Writer for

I am a Content Strategist and Curator at Hestabit Technologies. I am keen to understand the Startup gamut, be it ideation, development, sales, or marketing.