Writing, Marketing, or Management? What’s more necessary in Content Creation?

Sahil Prajapati
Published in
4 min readAug 17, 2018


Withe the multitude of tools available in the market right now, content creation is going digital at a large scale. I still remember the quote from the Bill Gates which was published on the Microsoft website.

“Content is King. Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting.”

The problem is that these tools are more of a distraction that actual help. Whenever I try to write something our of my heart, these tools bring me back to try and make the content more marketable.

When you go for content writing, the mix we find is the keywords, Title, Word-limit, and more. But, do you know Audience demand changes within the sphere of market change and needs. Does it require to create the content from the heart or follow the rules of SERPs?

It’s well Known to everybody that these SERP standards demand useful, quality, engaging copy over any other factor — including optimizing your content, optimizing your images, and even making sure your site is mobile-friendly.

But, in such hassle are we close to choosing Writing, Marketing, or Management?

Let’s understand these terms better:

Content Writing

Image Credit-https://bit.ly/2MtIl3X

Penning down the words is what writers love to do the most of the time. But does it involve the matter you want to present to the audiences? Some say, write what’s on your mind. Some say, write what others are doing. Some say, use the new words. Who should you listen to?

Then people are heard saying that they lack the skills necessary to succeed. Because no matter how talented they are, writing skill is simply not enough. So, if you want to become successful as a content writer, you need a full toolkit of marketable skills. It’s your reputation. Every post with your name on it should be original. Every talented writer can bring a unique voice, different perspective or new light to an overworked subject. Most of the content writers are bringing it with marketing experts, SEO specialists, on-page coders and social media eagles. With the right skill set, you’ll succeed and find that yours is the best job in the world.

Content Marketing

Image Credit-https://bit.ly/1SsciNN

After getting your content ready, do you need to market it? Content marketing is hot among the market share of digital marketing. But just because everyone’s doing it, doesn’t mean it’s easy. Great content takes a lot of time and careful thinking. In the present scenario, Marketing with social media, games, videos, books, white papers, and on and on. You don’t need a longer time frame or an extensive video team to make a short documentary. When you’re getting started, what you need is to be nimble, to first see what your audience finds engaging, and then to keep going and going. People take it as a critical part of successfully promoting a brand, there are no if’s, and’s or but’s about it.

Almost all companies in the world use it, and it has been found the time and again to be more effective than any other form of traditional marketing available to us. Does it turn successful or unsuccessful, it matter’s in this-worldly happiness? With marketing, stories can’t tell you everything, but they’re important data points when traditional metrics, such as ROI, can’t give you the fledged of the market stats.

Content Management

Management of doing the thing right? Is this question making you frustrated? With Management, you need to work on the sale and buy option both. Your content should indulge your audience, if not, you’re not only leaving money on the table, you are also handing it to your close rivals, your competitors.
Every people know of the marketing and the different strategies, that play the overwhelm in the performance of the content matrices. With the management theory and research, everyone benefits when your team members have tools that help them share and collaborate more effectively, reduce duplication of effort, and get the information they need quickly.

Producing content is not just about what the content is but ensuring the right audience gets the right type of content to achieve the company’s overall business objectives. Every social media campaign just like a marketing campaign must have specific objectives.

For the effective setup of the content, all I think requires is the:




You need to choose your marketing mix for the desired Success.

Note from the publication: At maice, we are creating a marketing platform that prepares writers and marketers for the future of content marketing. Register on our website to know more when we launch. Follow us on LinkedIn here. Interested in writing for our publication? Click here to submit your details and you will be added. We reward good stories too.



Sahil Prajapati
Writer for

Words first! But after that, Copywriter in making. Creative @Adworlds Media. Single and happy leading my life with the words for Audience…Love you!