About Maiden Voyage Publication

Unique stories about the bygone golden age of ocean liners…

Panos Grigorakakis
Maiden Voyage


Postcard of RMS Berengaria (ex-Imperator).

The purpose of the Maiden Voyage publication is to feature unique stories about the bygone golden age of ocean liners.

Maiden Voyage is Medium’s only publication focused exclusively on the history of ocean liners. Relive the age when passenger liners, the biggest man-moving objects of the time, steamed confidently across the oceans uniting the world. Experience the luxury and grandeur of these floating palaces and embark on a journey of adventure, national competition, and occasional tragedy.


The sinking of the Titanic is undoubtedly one of the most renowned disasters of the past century and a recurring theme in Maiden Voyage Publication. Many articles will focus on White Star’s ill-fated liner, covering the background of her conception, the life of prominent people who were involved with her, as well as the story of her sister ships, the Olympic and the Britannic. Famous myths concerning the tragedy of the sinking will also be debunked.

The focus on the Titanic won’t be at the expense of other, equally historic liners. Ships such as Lusitania, Mauretania, Olympic, Aquitania, Britannic, Imperator

