Discover Titanic’s Tragic Twin And More

The latest stories featured in Maiden Voyage publication…

Panos Grigorakakis
Maiden Voyage


2 min readOct 29, 2020


HMHS Britannic seen during World War I (Wikimedia Commons).

Dear subscribers,

we are happy to announce the addition of three new and interesting stories in Maiden Voyage publication during the past month. You can take a brief taste of them below.

1. The Story of Titanic’s Tragic Twin

Artist’s conception of the Britannic in her intended White Star Line livery (Wikimedia Commons).

The Britannic was the third and final ship of the Olympic-class vessels, following the Olympic and the Titanic. She was in all respects designed to be an enhanced version of her sisters, incorporating the lessons learned from their service, and setting even higher standards of luxury and comfort.

Unfortunately, her promising career was interrupted by the outbreak of the First World War. In a fate similar to her infamous sister, the Britannic never completed a single transatlantic voyage.

Read her full story here.

2. Blue Riband and the “Great Duel” of the 1930s

The SS Normandie. Colorized photo by Vick the Viking (Wikimedia Commons)

The Blue Riband was an unofficial accolade awarded to the liner that could cross the Atlantic Ocean the fastest. Ships that were Blue Riband holders were making great profits and publicity.

The Normandie and the Queen Mary were the biggest, fastest, and finest ships of their time, defining the transatlantic crossing during the interwar period. You can read the story of their epic contest for capturing the Blue Riband here.

3. The Greatest Ocean Liner That Never Existed

Digital drawing of the RMMV Oceanic III, by AntonLogvynenko / CC BY-SA (Wikimedia Commons).

The RMMV Oceanic was the largest vessel ever designed for the White Star Line. Measuring over 1,000 feet long, she would have been bigger than the Titanic and her sisters, while her powerful engines could have made her the fastest ship of her time.

This ambitious project though never came to fruition. Discover the full story of the most famous of all the uncompleted ocean liners here.

As always we are looking forward to providing you with more interesting stories next month. Stay tuned.

