How to setup a Welcome Sequence

David Pichsenmeister
MailPort 🚢
3 min readMar 26, 2018


The Welcome Sequence is a sequence of messages and call to actions you can show new users when they start a conversation with your Facebook Page.

In this guide you will learn how to setup this sequence and use it to subscribe users to your MailChimp list.

Messenger experience after setup

After connecting your Facebook Page to MailPort, new users will be shown the Messenger greeting screen with the “Get Started” button. On this screen you can additionally show a greeting message which can be configured through your Facebook Page’s settings, just go to the settings of your Facebook Page > Messaging > Show a Messenger greeting, toggle the button to the right from Off to On and click the Change button.

⚠️ Note: This screen is only shown to new conversations. If you already have an existing conversation with your Page, they only way to see this screen is by deleting the existing conversation and start a new one.

During the onboarding on MailPort we already ask you to setup the Welcome Sequence. If you haven’t done that or want to change it, just head over to the configuration page on MailPort.

The Welcome Sequence configuration screen on MailPort

Step 1: Welcome Message

This message will be the first message your users will receive automatically after pressing the “Get Started” button.

Step 2: Quick Reply Buttons

Quick Replies provide a way to present a set of buttons directly after a sent message from your Page. Users can click these Quick Replies to trigger further messages and actions, like subscribing to your MailChimp list.

This is what a user sees after clicking the “Get Started” button

You can add up to 5 different Quick Replies after the welcome message. The text of each Quick Reply is limited to 20 characters. Each Quick Reply can trigger a different message and a different set of Reply Actions.

Step 3: Quick Reply Response and Reply Action

When a Quick Reply is tapped by a user, the related response will be sent. The response can be configured here. Additionally actions like subscribing to your MailChimp list can be triggered and configured in this step. This is done in the Reply Action section. Reply actions are actions which are executed before the reply message is sent to a user. Actions can simply be added by clicking “+ Add Action”. You can then choose from a list of available actions and you can also add multiple actions to a message. All actions you choose here will be triggered before sending the message to the user.

This is what a users sees after clicking the “Subscribe” Quick Reply

Step 4: Save

Don’t forget to hit the “Save” button at the bottom to save your Welcome Sequence.

