Building Community With Yoga

Interview with Principal Community Manager Kayla Reed

Main Street Hub
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2018


Kayla Reed, a Principal Community Manager on our Content Team at Main Street Hub, spends her days creating authentic, compelling content on behalf of our small business customers on social media to impress and delight them. Recently, Kayla has also been working to delight her teammates by holding in-office yoga sessions.

As a newly-certified yoga instructor, Kayla has taken the initiative to lead her Main Street Hub teammates once or twice a week in a yoga session to decompress during the work day and take some time away from their screens.

We chatted with Kayla about her love of yoga, how she’s honing her teaching voice and style by instructing her teammates, and why she thinks we should say Namaste during the work day. Check out the full interview below!

Why do you teach yoga?

“Yoga has improved my life physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I want to share what I’ve learned (and what I’m very much still learning) to help others feel that positivity, even if it’s only for a few minutes on their mat.”

How long have you been practicing yoga for?

“I’ve only been teaching for a couple of months. I’ve been practicing on and off for about 12 years, and I’ve been practicing in earnest daily for a little over a year.”

Do you have a favorite yoga studio you like to visit?

“Yes! CorePower — specifically their location in The Triangle. I’m on the Studio Experience Team, so I spend time helping out with community events and cleaning. It’s the studio where I did my training, and as cliche as it is, it’s like a family there. When I lived in south Austin, I was a big fan of Your Yoga on Brodie Lane as well.”

What is your yoga teaching style?

“Easygoing and accessible with a focus on alignment and safety. I want to set all my students up for success, and I don’t want anyone to be intimidated or think that they can’t do yoga because of x, y, or z.

“I also don’t think that just because I’m teaching means I’m some sort of authority — I don’t force anyone into poses they’re not ready for or aren’t feeling that day, and I try to keep things light and conversational.”

What do you love about yoga?

“Just about everything! I love the positive energy that yoga exudes. When you’re in a studio or a class, everyone in there is hoping to tap into an ideal version of themselves. Each individual is taking the time to look inward, reflect, or meditate in some sort of way, whether it’s physical or spiritual. When you and everyone around you are in that kind of state, there’s this uplifting feeling that you can’t help but feed off of.

“I also love the playful aspects of the physical practice. There’s a childlike fun that comes with playing with handstands, headstands, and arm balances.”

Do you have a favorite yoga pose?

“That’s a tough call, but I’d have to go with half pigeon.”

Why did you start weekly yoga sessions for your fellow Main Street Hub teammates?

“Back in the day, there was another employee named Claire who used to teach us in the office. We’d go in there once a week, and it was fantastic. I wanted to bring that back for everyone else. Plus, it’d be a shame to not utilize that fantastic studio downstairs in the gym of our office building.”

As a Principal Community Manager, how do you think yoga helps your mental health?

“It helps IMMENSELY. We spend our days in the throes of the internet, where sometimes people aren’t very nice. You see some crazy stuff out there, and it can weigh you down if you get too wrapped up in it. When I start a class, I tell everyone to leave their work tasks, emails, Slack messages, and Jira tickets upstairs, because we all can do with some time away from our screens.”

Why do you think yoga is a great exercise to integrate into the work week?

“It’s great because you’re moving around, but you don’t get too sweaty. There’s no one yelling at you to move faster or push harder. The classes are calming yet energizing, and it’s helpful to take that energy back upstairs with you for the rest of the day. Also, if you’re the type to go for an intense workout before or after work, it’s a great opportunity to stretch out.”

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Main Street Hub

Main Street Hub is the marketing platform for local businesses. Trusted by 10,000 customers, we manage your social media, online reviews, and email marketing.