Content Specialists Spotlight: Meet the Customer Requests Team

Main Street Hub
Main Street Hub
Published in
6 min readAug 29, 2018


At Main Street Hub, our Content Team specializes in representing our small business customers’ voice and brand in an authentic way online. Within our Content Team, our Content Specialists, Customer Requests work across a set of on-demand queues to create incredible, eye-catching, on-brand designs for our customers to help them stand out on social media to discover customers in their communities and beyond.

Get to know some of our Content Specialists, Customer Requests and learn how they help our customers elevate their online presence through beautiful graphics and campaigns:

Can you describe what you do as a Content Specialist, Customer Requests?

Caroline Foley: “As a Senior Content Specialist, I help customers’ visions and goals become an online reality on social media. Whether they want to engage with consumers through email, paid media, posts, or campaigns, I’m translating the customers’ objectives into beautifully-branded campaigns and graphics. From copy to design to strategy, I have the opportunity to both see the big picture of a project and work on each step to ensure I’m delivering results.”

Lauren Hanks: “I adapt customers’ requests and promotions into on-brand, clear graphics and flyers.”

Rowan Miller: “My main role is creating unique, on-brand graphics for specific things going on at our customers’ businesses. As a team, we boost content on Facebook , handle our customers’ review responses, and work with our customers to make their platforms look the best they possibly can.”

What’s your favorite thing about your job?

Caroline: “When I drive into work every day, I look forward to seeing what my extremely creative team is crafting for our customers.”

Lauren: “I love flyer transformations — taking a customer’s photo or word document containing a ton of information and transforming it into an easily-digestible graphic.”

Rowan: “I think my favorite thing about my job is how versatile the workload is. You never know what to expect on any given morning, and as someone who thrives on having a few different things to work on, this kind of environment suits me well. You really have to be a jack-of-all-trades to succeed in this role.”

Jessica Phillips: “There’s so much flexibility when it comes to email marketing. It’s such a fun platform to design and write for because the industry is always changing.”

Can you describe a favorite on-demand graphic or email campaign you’ve created?

Caroline: “One of our bar customers asked us to promote a Mean Girls Trivia Night. I had a blast designing with one of my favorite movies in mind.”

Here are some of the team’s favorite graphics they’ve created!

Rowan: “One email campaign that I’m really proud of is for our customer, a paint and crafting store. Since I love craft stores and really wanted to do well on this one, I was so happy that the final result was an email that looked clean, showed off all of the info they wanted, and still aligned with the style of their brand.”

Jessica: “I love creating campaigns for our customer, Storybook Wags N’ Whiskers. In a recent one, I used photos of a very stylish pug to showcase their treat collection!

Lauren: “I created a three-part campaign for one of our customers to promote their BBQ sauce being available in Walmart stores all across Orlando, Florida. The customer has a great color palette and high-quality photos from their photo shoot we provided for them, so the campaign was super fun and rewarding to do.”

What inspires you every day while you’re working on behalf of our customers?

Caroline: “Understanding that good and well-branded design elicits validity. Many consumers trust companies with a strong, well-defined brand, and so it’s wonderful to let business owners do what they do best while we help them shine online.”

Lauren: “Customer feedback goes such a long way in terms of daily inspiration. I’ve received some really positive feedback directly from customers, which makes me want to work even harder on each and every request I do.”

Rowan: “Of course, a big source of motivation are the tangible results our work produces for each customer. Seeing the gradual rapport that’s built between customer and consumer and knowing it’s attributed to something you did is a very satisfying feeling. Also, I’m inspired to try new things and develop my skills when I see the designs my fellow teammates are creating.

“Our team’s collaborative environment creates a space where we can all learn something from one another’s work, and this support makes me feel motivated to try new things in my work each day.”

Jessica: “I love creating something that not only wows our customers but also provides a great ROI opportunity for them. That’s a win-win for everyone.”

Why do you love Main Street Hub?

Caroline: “I love working here because the company produces social media campaigns for local businesses that improve the health of local communities. I come from ‘everybody’s hometown’ — Media, Pennsylvania. The eclectic shop owners contribute to the thriving and close-knit town.

“I admire Main Street Hub for calling local business owners ‘local heroes,’ because small business owners have always played an integral part of our country’s history. Local businesses work too hard for their endeavors to fall apart over a misunderstanding in a Yelp review. In a world where online reputation is key, Main Street Hub makes sense.”

How do you think the work you’re doing/we’re doing as a company helps small businesses?

Lauren: “I think our content really helps customers showcase their products, services, and promotions in an effective and engaging way.”

Jessica: “The business we help bring our customers not only fosters a sense of community, but also allows them to live their dream every day. There’s not much that can top that.”

Rowan: “It’s not often that a small business has the time or budget for an in-house designer. Because of this, promoting something via graphics or emails is a challenge that many of our customers face before working with us. I believe our work is invaluable not just for promoting the things our customers have going on, but also in developing a strong online voice and style that is visually unique, polished, and captivating.

“I think our work helps elevate the audience’s idea of what kind of businesses our customers have, and how special they really are.”

Here are some of our CR Team’s favorite local businesses:

Want to help local businesses thrive with us? Join our team by applying here.

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Main Street Hub
Main Street Hub

Main Street Hub is the marketing platform for local businesses. Trusted by 10,000 customers, we manage your social media, online reviews, and email marketing.