How Our Sales Team Challenges Themselves to Succeed

The many ways our Sales Team members motivate each other on the floor

Main Street Hub
Main Street Hub


As you start the day on our upbeat Sales Floor at Main Street Hub, you can expect to be greeted with high-energy, a high-five, and words of encouragement. Moving through the busy day, you’ll see team members elevating one another on the floor: managers supporting their team members in one-on-one meetings and in huddles, Sales Reps lining up to congratulate each other for helping local heroes, and entire teams celebrating an individual’s win with chants and cheers.

Our team motivates one another so we can all live our value of Challenge Yourself — which says that every day, we commit to continuously improving our performance — all to help local business owners.

And a little friendly competition in the office to win spiffs, contests, team-builders, and even vacations, goes a long way in helping us hit our goals! Hear from some of our top reps and managers who have accomplished a great deal because of their hard work and competitive spirit:

Elise Keithley, Sales Rep

Elise joined Main Street Hub in December 2017 and since starting on our Sales Team, has been inspiring her team members. She is a strong communicator and top performer who elevates her teammates every day.

What do you think makes Main Street Hub’s sales culture unique in comparison to other companies?

“Our sales culture at Main Street Hub has a strong sense of community running through it. I think this has a lot to do with the fact that we have such a great set of core values.

“As Sales Reps, we see this from the very beginning with our incredibly thorough training and support we receive. We get to work in a culture that is filled with people who are driven, knowledgeable, and willing to help others. This definitely contributes to a unique environment filled with fun, support, and healthy competition. This competitive spirit really pushes us to better ourselves, and the people around us.”

What is your favorite spiff at Main Street Hub and why?

“I love any spiff that involves our entire Senior Management Team. Working towards that common goal and upping our competitive spirit really unites as a larger team. In my opinion, it has really pushed us to get to know our teammates better and be more productive.”

Why do you think competition is healthy in a sales environment?

“Competition is crucial for a healthy sales environment. Competing to be the best rep, or the best team pushes us to seek knowledge and better our process and skill. This friendly competition builds camaraderie and inspires us to reach out and work as a team. Plus, it keeps things exciting!”

How has our core value of Elevate Others contributed to your personal success?

“As Sales Reps, we experience a lot of ups and downs — success would be impossible without the guidance and support I get from my teammates, managers, and trainers. That advice and guidance has helped me improve every aspect of my process. Now, it pushes me to use what I have learned and lift up my fellow teammates — we’re all in this together!”

Haden Holley, Sales Rep

Haden received the Hometown Hero Award this year, which is given to the top-performing Sales Representative for the month. Winners get a custom-made 52” bejeweled heavyweight belt to celebrate and be recognized for their hard work and dedication to our company’s mission and to local business owners across the country.

How did you feel when you won the Hometown Hero Belt this year?

“From the first day I joined Main Street Hub, I wanted to apply my work ethic and skills to be one of the best. Since winning the Hometown Hero Award, I feel accomplished — now it’s time to run it back!”

What does it mean to you that you were able to help so many local businesses?

“It means the world to me. I feel that my job as a Sales Representative at Main Street Hub, and as a human being in general, is to be of service and help everyone along the way. I feel honored that so many local business owners trusted me to help grow their business.”

What do you think it takes to be successful in sales?

“Passion, hard work, and dedication, and thinking outside the box.”

What do you think makes Main Street Hub’s sales culture unique versus other organizations?

“Our energy! Everyone on the floor helps each other and the support from management is impeccable. And, our whole floor is like a family. Everyone always lends a helping hand to make sure we are all on the path to growth and success.”

Paul Vasquez, Sales Rep

Paul is a member of our Warm Leads Team, a Hometown Hero Award winner, and through his hard work helping local heroes, was able to attend President’s Club this year in Cancun: a trip for our top-performing sales representatives and leaders to celebrate the year’s accomplishments.

How do you think your hard work got you to President’s Club this year?

“I stayed focused and never lost sight of my goal, and I knew that I wanted to gift this experience to my wife. My dedication and diligence is driven by my competitive spirit; Achievement is the only option for me.”

What was your favorite part about President’s Club?

“My favorite part of President’s Club was a feeling of pride and accomplishment. More importantly, by achieving my goal, I was able to see my wife enjoy the experience alongside me.”

How do you live our core value of Win-Win-Win every day?

“I think about what the company needs and what actions I can take daily to help move us forward. I think about how I need to put food on the table for my family, and I think about the business owner I’m helping, and what he or she needs to take their business to the next level.”

Do you think competition is healthy in a sales environment?

“I believe that competition is healthy because it encourages everyone to do well. Even if someone comes up short of beating the best person on their team, they still end up doing better than they would have had there been no one to compete against.”

“We help each other excel when we lead by example.”

Pieter Velzeboer, Sales Manager

Pieter was recently promoted to the role of Sales Manager and now manages a hard-working team on the floor. We asked Pieter how spiffs and competitions motivate his team:

How do you help your team Challenge Themselves every day?

“In managing my team, I have built a culture of responsibility and daily commitments that each individual sets for him or herself. I just ask for the team’s full dedication to whatever metrics they strive for and ask for their permission to push them when they aren’t pacing. I’m proud that each rep Takes Ownership for their own individual goals and proactively seeks out improvement when they’re not hitting their goals.”

What is your favorite spiff at Main Street Hub and why?

“I really enjoy the spiffs that drive performance for the Sales Organization as a whole. Spiffs like the Daily Double Spiff, which encourages reps to double their performance for the day, really sets expectations on how possible it actually is for reps to actually achieve great success when motivated to do so.”

How do spiffs and competitions motivate your team?

“We all want to earn more, but I believe it’s the recognition for every individual’s hard work that’s the key motivator in our spiffs and competitions.”

What do you think makes Main Street Hub’s sales culture unique?

“I feel like the culture here is completely different than anywhere else. Everyone is pulling for your success and is more than happy to help in any way possible, which is unique in a sales environment.”

“The assets that are offered here to all reps, no matter what their tenure is, is a true testament to how much this company values its employees.”

Want to help local business owners every day? Join our Sales Team by applying here.

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Main Street Hub
Main Street Hub

Main Street Hub is the marketing platform for local businesses. Trusted by 10,000 customers, we manage your social media, online reviews, and email marketing.