Main Street Hub Siblings: Claire and McCall Weber

Main Street Hub
Main Street Hub
Published in
5 min readNov 22, 2016


Main Street Hub is a team. We refer to our peers as our teammates because, at every level of the company, we are working together to create thriving local economies.

In the case of Claire and McCall Weber, Main Street Hub is a family, too!

Born four years apart, Account Managers and sisters Claire and McCall Weber didn’t have many common interests until they got closer to adulthood. Now, they work alongside each other every day helping local business owners discover community.

We sat down to talk to Claire and McCall about their similarities, strengths, and why having a sister in the office is a job perk:

Can each of you tell me a little bit about yourself?

Claire: “McCall and I both grew up in Austin, so this is our hometown. I went to the University of North Texas, so I left Austin for three years in 2008. When I came back, I did a few different things before coming to Main Street Hub as an Account Manager. Now, I’m part of our Atlas Team that’s working on new products for the rest of the business.

“A few months ago, McCall graduated from the University of Texas. She was trying to figure out what she wanted to do, and I felt that she would be a great fit for the Customer Success role!”

McCall: “I just graduated in May, so I’m super fresh. I did social media for Free People during college. Watching Claire grow at Main Street Hub, I’ve always been super intrigued by the culture here. So, when she suggested that I apply, I did. It worked out really well. I’m in my sixth month here, which is weird — I feel like I’ve only been here for five minutes!”

Claire, why did you decide to refer McCall?

“There were always times when I was on the job that I would think to myself, ‘McCall would be so good at this.’ For example, she’s great at being straight with people in a way that’s transparent without being too harsh, and I felt like she would thrive in that fast-paced, exciting environment.”

McCall, what was it about the culture of Main Street Hub that drew you in?

“Basically, exactly what Claire was saying. The fast-paced, high energy, loud environment is my zone. I do well with that. Also, being able to wear what I want is huge for me. And, the range of people that work here is great. We have people from all different backgrounds. I feel like everyone is really free to express themselves here in a very strong way. That’s apparent in the way people perform, as well. That’s been really, really cool.”

How would you say you’re similar to your sister?

McCall: “Rationality — we’re both very rational and logical in the way that we think about things. We are both able to zoom out of a situation and see what the deal is. I think we got that from our dad.”

Claire: “We use each other as sounding boards a lot. I know that we have similar thought processes, so I trust her opinion on things.

“Another thing I really appreciate about my relationship with McCall is that we have really similar senses of humor. It’s like we can just share a look and know exactly what the other person is thinking. That’s just the beauty of the sibling bond.”

McCall: “We can both find the humor in almost anything. That’s our go-to. Whether it’s frustration, anger, or sadness, we will both find a way to laugh somehow. It sounds kind of cliche, but sometimes cliches are true.”

What is the biggest difference between you?

Claire: “Everybody who knows McCall and I makes the joke that it’s strange that we were raised by the same two people. We’re alike in a lot of ways, but we’re also so different. I like to say that we’re two different sides of the same coin. McCall is definitely more extroverted.”

McCall: “Another way to say it is that I can be all over the place, but Claire is very centered and grounded.”

Claire: “Well, we just thrive on different things. McCall thrives on deadlines, pressure, chaos, and put-it-all-on-the-line situations. That’s how she is. That makes me feel like I’m coming out of my skin. I thrive on structure, schedule, organization, and a calm work environment. So, we get to the same place usually because we think the same way, but our approaches are quite different.”

McCall: “I would agree with that! Claire just has the better way with words to describe it.”

Who do you think is the funnier sister?

Claire: “I would say McCall. I am usually funny in an accidental, goofy way. McCall is witty and fast. Everyone in our family recognizes that.”

McCall: “I will say, though, you really have to get us together. That’s when we’re funniest.”

What’s your favorite thing about having your sister in the workplace with you?

Claire: “Just getting to see her all the time. We see each other way more often now than ever before, even when we were living at home. It’s been really cool for our relationship. I think it’s brought us much closer.”

McCall: “For sure! And, you have these moments, particularly at work, where you just need your sister. Here’s a perfect example. In my second month on the job, I was on a call — struggling. All of a sudden, I heard Claire in my headset. She could just tell that I needed help. I didn’t have to ask her. She walked me through the rest of the call, and it was totally smooth. I thought I had God in my ear. Having her in those moments helps me feel calm. I know she’s on my team. That’s awesome.”

Claire: “It’s a job perk.”

Did you love hearing about how the sibling bond has made Claire and McCall successful here? Check out our interview with Sales sisters Haley and Tina Dreher and our video of brothers on the Customer Success Team, Darrick and Andre Price!

Ready to join the team? Apply here to join our mission to create thriving local economies!

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Main Street Hub

Main Street Hub is the marketing platform for local businesses. Trusted by 10,000 customers, we manage your social media, online reviews, and email marketing.