Sitting Down with Software Development Engineer Brian Clarke

Main Street Hub
Main Street Hub
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2018


Software Development Engineer Brian Clarke has always been passionate about software engineering and mathematics. He enjoys meeting customer needs in a society where technology is always growing and changing, and he recently joined our team to do just that.

Learn more Brian’s experience as a new hire in our engineering group and why he’s excited about the work our teams are doing to deliver the best possible outcomes for our small business customers:

  • What do you like most about your new role?

“I feel like I am a big part of the entire engineering effort. At my last job, I felt like a worker bee in a very large company. Here, I will learn a lot more skills, and I’m surrounded by people who are like-minded individuals.

“The other engineers here are also focused on growing their career rather than just working for the paycheck. I can tell that the people here are highly motivated by success and not because it’s just their job.”

  • Tell us about your experience transitioning into this role. Was there anything helpful you learned or that we provided that make that transition smoother?

“The people on my team have been very welcoming. They are quick to help when I’m unfamiliar with various tools. I can tell that they care about empowering others in order to have better success as a team. Even people on other teams have shown me that they’re excited to have me as part of the engineering family.”

  • How would you describe our culture to someone looking to be a part of our team?

“The people here are highly motivated by success. We strive to be a close team because we understand the importance of working closely together. It’s much easier to work with someone who is like-minded and cares about the success of the project as much as you do.

“We constantly strive to learn more about emerging technologies as well as other interesting topics through our Friday Tech Talks. The other engineers are eager to help, and lots of different teams go to lunch together. I’m fortunate to be surrounded by people who are strong engineers and coworkers.”

  • How do you think collaboration between our product designers and engineers help pushes our team forward?

“Just as it’s important to have engineering teams working closely together, it’s really important that design and engineering go hand-in-hand to provide our coworkers and customers with a great experience in the products we develop. By collaborating on ideas, we can move at a quick velocity to see their designs come to life and deliver products.”

  • How do you think your work helps small businesses or will help our small business customers?

“The great thing about being a big part of the whole engineering effort is being able to see how your work impacts the success of the company and the success of our customers. I strive to build efficient software for our coworkers to be the best they can be to serve our customers. I’ve always enjoyed helping others. Working on our products gives me the opportunity to help others by empowering our Community Managers and Customer Success Managers to be successful, which is very satisfying.”

  • What’s your favorite small business?

“My favorite small business is Cabo Fish Taco. Cabo, as we referred to it, is a popular restaurant in Blacksburg, VA, where I attended Virginia Tech. They offer a combination of seafood and baja Mexican cuisine, and it’s a great place to take your parents when they come visit you.”

Learn more about our Engineering Team, our Hackathons, and our talented engineers here, here, and here.

Stay up to date on what our engineers and the rest of the company are doing — follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram!



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Main Street Hub

Main Street Hub is the marketing platform for local businesses. Trusted by 10,000 customers, we manage your social media, online reviews, and email marketing.