Online Reviews and Your Pizza Shop

Reputation Management Tips Your Pizzeria Kneads to Know

Main Street Hub
Main Street Hub


Local pizza shop owners have one of the best jobs out there — owning a small business and serving one of the most popular dishes in America, but whether you’re an established pizza joint in your community or just setting up shop, what customers say about your business online can affect your bottom line.

With majority of Yelp users making a purchase after reading reviews of businesses around them, follow these 3 tips to make sure they’ve got their eyes on your pies:

Answer All Reviews

Whether a review is positive or negative, taking the time to respond can make a huge impression on not just your current customers but future ones too!

There are different approaches to take based on whether the review is positive or negative. Check out our best practices for answering online reviews here.

Respond Quickly

One of the best ways to show your customers how important their reviews are to you is to respond in 48 hours or less.

A quick response to your customers shows you’re paying attention to your online reputation and that their feedback matters.

Ask Questions

When an issue is sensitive, don’t be afraid to ask questions so you can better get to the core of the issue like, “what night did you come in for dinner?,” or “can you tell us what you ordered?” That way, you can get an understanding of what happened to better inform your response to that customer.

Know When to Apologize

Sometimes, customers won’t be completely satisfied when they leave your shop and will write about their experience on your Google, Yelp, or TripAdvisor page.

Every customer should have a perfect experience at your business, but that’s not always the case. If it seems like a situation that warrants an apology, our Community Managers say that apologizing and appearing proactive and responsive to feedback will help the reviewer feel heard.

It’s okay to defend your business, but just make sure to stand up for yourself and your staff in a kind and explanatory way. It’s also good to keep in mind that even in a situation where you want to defend your business, an apology can go a long way.

Remember that all review responses are an online extension of your business’ customer service —so, be kind and professional, ask questions, and apologize when necessary, and you will present your pizzeria as a business that puts its customers first!

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Main Street Hub

Main Street Hub is the marketing platform for local businesses. Trusted by 10,000 customers, we manage your social media, online reviews, and email marketing.